Methods of moisturizing dry, normal, and oily face

Many women like to moisturize the face from time to time to protect from all the problems of dehydration as sometimes you can feel that your skin has become dry due to harsh winds or cold weather in winter, but even in summer your skin can be dry and less vibrant. At times like this, you need to use a moisturizing face mask in your skin care regimen, as natural moisturizing masks are very useful, especially for those who suffer from dry skin constantly, and keeping your skin hydrated is the best anti-aging treatment, so in this article we will Learn about moisturizing masks for your skin that make it look fresh, and more youthful.

face moisturizing

These face masks are suitable for all types of oily, dry, normal and sensitive skin, as they use natural ingredients that are already available in kitchen cupboards.

The best moisturizing masks for oily skin:

Oily skin needs more attention and care than any other type of skin, as you need to choose the best natural astringents to successfully treat oily skin. You also need a mask that helps absorb excess oils, close pores, regulate oil production, cleanse the skin, and moisturize it. and fix it.

1. Avocado mask, eggs and lemon juice for oily skin: Avocado is very useful for treating dry skin, and the reason is that it is used in most cases of oily skin is that it regulates the production of oils in the skin while maintaining its moisture.


  • Take one ripe avocado (peeled and mashed) with 1 egg white and 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice.
  • Put all the ingredients in a mixing bowl and stir well with a wooden spoon until a smooth paste is formed.
    Cleanse the face, then massage the paste on the entire face and neck with your fingertips, and leave a layer of the paste on the face for 25 minutes.
  • Rinse the face with lukewarm water, and use this mask once or twice a week.

2. Aloe vera and orange gel mask for oily skin: Oily skin also needs moisturizing, and fresh orange juice and aloe vera gel are useful for doing that, as it absorbs the excess oils from oily skin and gives your skin the moisture it needs.


  • Take a tablespoon of fresh orange juice with a teaspoon of aloe vera gel.
  • Mix the ingredients together in a mixing bowl with a wooden spoon.
  • Cleanse your face, and massage the mask over the entire face and neck with your fingertips, avoiding the eye area
  • Leave a layer of the mask on for 20 minutes, then rinse it off with lukewarm water.
  • You can use this mask once or twice a week.

3. Banana and honey mask for oily skin: Banana and honey are soothing ingredients that can make your skin look fresher and more hydrated. This natural mask replaces the radiance of oily skin with a healthy, youthful glow.


  • Take a fully ripe banana, 2 tablespoons of honey and some fresh orange or lemon juice.
    Cut a ripe banana into small pieces and add it to the blender, add honey and blend it until a smooth paste is formed.
  • Add some fresh orange juice or a few drops of lemon juice and mix the ingredients well.
  • Cleanse your face, and massage the paste over the entire face and neck with your fingertips, avoiding the eye area
  • Leave a layer of the mask for 20 minutes, then wash it with lukewarm water and paint the face with any type of moisturizing cream you like.

4. Strawberry, lemon juice, honey and egg white mask for oily skin: Lemon juice and strawberries act as a natural astringent, which works to reduce oils in oily skin, avoiding microbial incursions and acne breakouts.


  • Take 6 fresh, ripe strawberries, 3 tablespoons of honey, 2 egg whites and 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice.
  • Mash the strawberries using a fork or put them in a blender and mix well, then add lemon juice, honey and egg whites.
  • Cleanse your face, and massage the paste over the entire face and neck with your fingertips, avoiding the eye area.
  • Leave a layer of the mask for 20 minutes, then wash it with lukewarm water and paint the face with any type of moisturizing cream you like.

Best face masks for dry skin:

5. Banana, avocado, peach or apricot mask for dry skin: You can choose any of these four fruits to prepare this simple mask to moisturize your skin, especially if it is of a dry type.


  • Take 1 ripe banana, 1/2 avocado, 1 ripe peach, or 4 ripe apricots with some extra virgin olive oil.
  • Mash the selected fruit until it turns into a smooth paste and mix it with a little warm olive oil.
  • Cleanse your face, and massage the paste on the entire face and neck with your fingertips, avoiding the eye area,
    leaving a layer of the mask for 20 minutes,
  • Rinse your face with lukewarm water, dry it with a clean towel, and then apply any moisturizing cream to keep the skin moisturized.

6. Cucumber mask and aloe vera gel for dry skin: Aloe vera gel is useful for moisturizing and calming your skin, as the gel is characterized as a natural balm and moisturizer for the skin, and cucumber has cooling and cleansing properties that help maintain the elasticity of your skin.


  • Take 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel with half a cucumber.
  • Peel the cucumber, remove the seeds and cut it into small pieces, blend the cucumber pieces in a blender until it turns into a smooth paste, then transfer it to a small bowl and add the aloe vera gel.
  • Cleanse your face, and massage the paste over the entire face and neck with your fingertips, avoiding the eye area
  • Leave a layer of the mask for 20 minutes,
  • Rinse your face with lukewarm water, dry it with a clean towel, and then apply any moisturizing cream to keep the skin moisturized.

7. Shea butter, aloe vera gel and coconut oil mask for dry skin:
Take 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel, 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and 1 tablespoon of shea butter. Put all the ingredients together in a mixing bowl, and stir the mixture well until you get a smooth paste. Cleanse your face, and massage the paste onto the entire face and neck with your fingertips, avoiding the eye area. Leave a layer of the mask for 20 minutes, rinse your face with lukewarm water, dry it with a clean towel, and then apply any moisturizing cream to keep the skin moisturized.

8. Mango, egg yolk, and butter mask for dry skin: This mask helps moisturize the face well, as mango and butter act as a rich source of vitamin, and egg yolk nourishes your skin.


  • Take 1/2 a mango, a tablespoon of low-salt butter, an egg yolk, and a few drops of chamomile and apricot oil.
  • Peel the mango and take half of the fruit and cut it into small pieces, put these pieces with the ingredients in the blender and mix them well until you get a smooth paste.
  • Cleanse your face, and massage the paste over the entire face and neck with your fingertips, avoiding the eye area
  • Leave a layer of the mask for 20 minutes,
  • Rinse your face with lukewarm water, dry it with a clean towel, and then apply any moisturizing cream to keep the skin moisturized.

Tips to keep dry skin hydrated:
1. To get some extra energy to moisturize the skin, honey can be added, as honey never hurts.
2. Honey is a wonderful moisturizer; It maintains moisture inside the skin.

Best face masks for normal skin:

 9. Egg, honey and coconut oil mask to moisturize normal skin: Coconut oil and honey maintain skin moisture, and eggs work to rejuvenate the skin.


  • Take the eggs in a bowl, and add 1/4 tablespoon of coconut oil and 1 tablespoon of honey.
  • Stir all ingredients with a wooden spoon until a smooth paste is formed.
  • Put the mask on a clean face, leave it for 25 minutes and then wash it off.

10. Avocado mask, olive oil, eggs and apple cider vinegar for normal skin: Avocado is one of the best fruits for moisturizing the skin, as it is a good source of vitamin E and essential fatty acids such as omega-6, and olive oil has many therapeutic benefits.


  • Take one ripe avocado, 3 tablespoons of olive oil, 1 egg white and 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.
  • Peel the avocado and mash it until it turns into a smooth paste.
  • Add the vinegar and olive oil to the avocado paste, and whisk the egg whites well in another bowl.
  • Mix the avocado, olive oil and apple cider vinegar with the egg whites and mix all the ingredients together well.
  • Apply the mask evenly to a clean face and neck, leave it for 30 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water.

11. Honey, oatmeal and milk mask to moisturize normal skin:
This mask nourishes the skin well and makes it glowing and smooth. Honey works as a natural nourishing agent that makes your skin maintain its moisture. Oats have anti-acne properties, which helps to get rid of blackheads and cleanse your skin.


  • Mix 3 tablespoons of dried oats, 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of whole milk, mix all the ingredients and blend them until they are a smooth paste in a blender.
  • Apply the mask to a clean face and neck, leave it on for 20-25 minutes, and then wash it off with lukewarm water.

12. Natural moisturizing mask:
This mask is useful for those who believe in natural beauty treatments and are looking for an alternative to commercial products with healthy and natural ingredients. This mask is useful to get rid of all skin problems from acne or dryness and other problems.


  • You need only three natural ingredients, including one ripe banana, 1/4 cup full-fat unflavored yogurt and 2 tablespoons of honey.
  • Peel the banana and mash it with a fork until it becomes smooth, add 1/4 cup of yogurt and 2 tablespoons of honey and stir the mixture well until a smooth paste is formed.
  • Cleanse your skin and apply the mask to the entire face and neck with your fingertips, avoiding the eye area,
  • Leave the mask on the skin for 20 minutes, then rinse it with lukewarm water, dry the skin with a dry towel and apply the appropriate moisturizer.

Beauty Tips:
1. Before using any face mask, you must remove any makeup and cleanse your face with clean water. It is preferable to take a hot shower or a steam bath to open the pores of the skin.
2. Some fruits contain citric acid, such as lemon and orange, so when using these fruits in treating the skin, you must always be careful because it causes burns, and the same case with essential oils as some of them are very strong, so you must be careful during Use them, and if there is doubt, you can do a spot test on a small area of ​​skin such as behind the ear, and you have to be more careful if you have sensitive skin

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