Making your dry shampoo

Homemade Dry Shampoo Recipe

Making your dry shampoo

Making a homemade dry shampoo is an ecological and economical alternative to dry shampoos in aerosols. The latter represent a lot of waste that can be avoided by making it yourself with a zero waste objective.

Good news, dry shampoo is very easy to make yourself and provides the same absorbent and volumizing properties with the advantage of a clean and tailor-made composition.

Dry shampoo recipe  

Cocoa powder (for brown and light brown hair)

In a


  • Cornstarch
  • Cocoa powder (for brown and light brown hair)



In a Stainless Steel , pour cornstarch.

If you have dark hair, add a little pure cocoa powder and stir. Adjust the amount of cocoa according to the color of your hair so that the shade is close to it so that once applied, the homemade natural dry shampoo blends completely into the hair.

Your dry shampoo is ready!

, pour cornstarch.

If you have dark hair, add a little pure cocoa powder and stir. Adjust the amount of cocoa according to the color of your hair so that the shade is close to it so that once applied, the homemade natural dry shampoo blends completely into the hair.

Your dry shampoo is ready!

How to apply your homemade dry shampoo?

To apply, sprinkle the powder over the head then massage the roots.

Wait a few minutes then comb the hair, head down, with a brush or wooden comb  to remove the excess.

If you don’t have a shaker, you can store it in a small glass jar and scoop the powder directly into the palm of your hand or with a makeup brush or shaving brush (depending on what you have at home). Lightly dust the powder with it and then apply to the roots or oily areas.

What role does it play?

Dry shampoo is used to absorb excess sebum from oily hair when you don’t have the opportunity to shampoo.

Benefits of Dry Shampoo

Dry shampoo is a real ally for people whose hair gets greasy quickly, especially due to changes in temperature and pollution. It absorbs sebum to give hair a fresh look .

It can be used without water , which is practical when traveling when you don’t always have water on hand.

It also allows you to space out shampoos, whether for the good of your hair or to limit your daily water consumption.

Finally, it restores volume, especially to fine hair that often becomes flat after shampooing.

An ultra-easy and 100% zero waste DIY

You now know how to make your own dry shampoo and how to avoid aerosols, which are most often not ecological and not natural due to their packaging and composition, which can make them irritating for certain sensitive scalps.


Making your own dry shampoo is very easy , economical and effective . The advantage is that you manage the composition of what you put in your hair yourself. And the good news is that these are ingredients that we all have in our cupboards. For a 100% zero waste recipe, when shopping, buy cornstarch and cocoa powder directly in bulk .


A ready-to-use organic dry shampoo

However, if DIY (Do It Yourself) or doing it yourself doesn’t tempt you or you want a dry shampoo with more targeted active ingredients for your hair, there are ready-to-use ones with impeccable composition and zero waste packaging .

Opt for a dry shampoo with natural powders known for their fortifying, regulating, volumizing and stimulating powers like the ORGANIC DRY SHAMPOO contained in a 100% zero waste cardboard powder compact . The latter contains amla and nettle powders or white clay, ideal for healthy hair.

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