
Make your own different types of toner to close the pores and control the shine of the skin

Enlarged pores are problems that make the skin look unattractive and cause the formation of blackheads and pimples as a result of the accumulation of excess oil and dust.

The toner is one of the best skin care products to close and purify pores, control oil secretion, eliminate skin shine, and prevent pimples and pimples.

Using natural ingredients, we offer you how to make 5 different types of toner to close pores.
1- Lemon and orange toner to close pores and refresh the skin:

3/4 cup of white alcohol (available at pharmacies).

1/2 lemon

1/2 orange

Cut the lemon and orange into thin slices, add to the alcohol and mix the ingredients in the blender well.
The mixture is filtered and packed in a clean bottle and kept in the refrigerator for up to 6 months of preparation and used twice daily.
This toner works to close the pores, get rid of excess oils and refresh the skin.

2- Mint and Chamomile Toner for Oily Skin:
Two tablespoons of dried mint.

Two tablespoons of dried chamomile.

4 cups of water.

Mix the ingredients in a bowl and put on the fire until boiling for 10 minutes.
The mixture is covered for 5 minutes, then filtered, packed in a bottle, and kept in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. It can be used twice daily on the skin to close pores, soothe inflamed skin and eliminate pimples.

3- Rose toner to close pores for sensitive skin:
Single rose leaf.

2 cups of water.

Boil the water first for 5 minutes, then remove from the heat, add to the rose leaves and cover the mixture for 30 minutes.
The toner is filtered and packed in a bottle and kept in the refrigerator and can be used twice daily.

4- Sandalwood Toner:
8 tablespoons of sandalwood oil.

Two tablespoons of almond oil.

spoonful of honey;

4 tablespoons of rose water.

1 tablespoon of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate).

Mix the ingredients well and shake well before use to separate the oils.


5- Lemon Basil Toner:
6 fresh basil leaves (1 tablespoon dried basil)

4 fresh mint leaves (1/2 teaspoon dry mint)

The juice of half a lemon.

1 and 1/2 cup of water.

In a deep pot, add water, basil and mint, put the mixture on the fire and leave to boil for 10 minutes.
Strain the mixture and add lemon juice to it and keep in the refrigerator until use.

How to use the toner:
The toner can be used in two ways:
1-Spray the toner on the face and leave it to dry.

2- Using a piece of cotton moistened with toner, wipe the face twice daily.

The toner can be rinsed with lukewarm water after 15 minutes or left and not rinsed.
Choose the right type of toner for you and enjoy wonderful skin and clean pores

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