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Magnesium benefits for skin - Care Beauty

Magnesium benefits for skin

If you are keen on taking your vitamins every day, this is for you! Taking a daily supplement is a good way to give your body the right dose of the nutrients it needs. On the flip side, if your daily dose is lacking in magnesium, we’re sorry to tell you: you wasted a lot of time:


Magnesium is the secret of beautiful skin


Magnesium helps improve the overall appearance of your skin, reduces acne and other skin disorders by lowering cortisol levels, stabilizing hormonal imbalances, and improving cellular processes. So if you’re looking for a clear and even skin tone, magnesium may be right for you (we recommend checking with a dermatologist first).


How to include magnesium in skin care?


As we’ve seen, magnesium is well absorbed by the skin, making its topical application one of the best ways to supplement your diet. So how do you include magnesium in your skincare routine?


magnesium baths

Soaking in a bathtub of magnesium-rich bath salts will help the magnesium enter your skin.

Creams and oils

Magnesium oil can make you feel very claustrophobic, especially if you’re not used to using it. You may prefer to use a body lotion that gives you a more comfortable feeling. More and more beauty brands are incorporating magnesium into their skincare products, making it easier than ever to add magnesium to your daily routine.



Massages and facials

Magnesium can make us feel better in many ways; We should all give some consideration to how we use this popular skincare ingredient. Since magnesium is well absorbed by the skin, we especially like the topical application of magnesium. This is great for your well-being and can be incredibly relaxing.

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