
Lower calories for longer life

Lower calories for longer life

It is enough to reduce the amount of calories a person gets per day by 10 percent, to prolong life and reduce the possibility of contracting various diseases. Scientists from the University of Wisconsin – Madison, USA, say that if you want to prolong your life, you must reduce the amount of food you eat. Because reducing this amount means reducing the amount of calories, which helps slow down aging and reduces the possibility of contracting various diseases. More than this reduces the possibility of early death. Scientists concluded from their 25-year study devoted to investigating the effect of diet on aging in monkeys, that restricting nutrients significantly reduces the risk of premature death and diseases of aging.

76 rhesus macaques were subjected to this study, some of whom received 10-30 percent fewer calories than the rest. The results of these tests showed that the monkeys who ate the amount they wanted suffered from diseases at a rate of 2.9 percent more than those who were following a specific diet, and that premature deaths among them were three times the deaths of the first group. The results of these tests, and tests conducted on rodents, confirm that reducing the amount of calories while obtaining all the nutrients that the human body needs helps extend life by 40 percent. Therefore, researchers hope that these results can be used to produce medical products that have the same effect as reducing calories in the body.

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