
Learn about the benefits of a volcanic mud mask for skin care

Learn about the benefits of a volcanic mud mask for skin care

Volcanic ash is used around the world in high-end spas and global spa destinations, including: the Four Seasons in Hawaii, Calistoga Hot Springs Resort in Napa, the Sulfur mud baths in St. Lucia, and the world-famous Polynesian Spa in New Zealand.


There is a reason for that, as volcanic ash contains all kinds of beneficial properties to leave your skin healthy and glowing.


Volcanic mud mask benefits


Volcanic ash is essentially clay-like; So it’s very good at removing oil, dirt and dead skin, and dermatologist, Sigal Shah, explains that volcanic ash is rich in minerals, including sulfur, which has antibacterial properties. Sulfur, too, helps protect your skin from damaging free radicals.





Volcanic ash is beneficial for inflamed skin, being extremely rich in minerals, and has antiseptic, antibacterial and antioxidant properties; So it works well not only to remove impurities, but also to heal inflamed and irritated skin, making it a good choice for psoriasis and eczema.


How to use Volcanic mud mask


Volcanic mud can be used for oily skin by mixing equal amounts of orange peel powder and volcanic mud, and mixing them together with a little rose water, and painting the face with this mixture, leaving it to dry, then rinsing it using warm water, and repeating this mixture on the face twice a month helps to Effectively getting rid of excess fat on the face, in addition to significantly reducing the growth of pimples.

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