Laurel soap mixtures to lighten skin tone

Exposure to harmful sunlight, skin care mistakes, and excessive use of skin care products rich in chemicals and toxic ingredients are all reasons that make the skin lifeless and more susceptible to acne, pimples, discoloration, and the appearance of early signs of aging. Therefore, there is nothing better than taking care of your skin by applying natural blends that are safe and effective in lightening and moisturizing your skin. Perhaps the most important of them are laurel soap mixtures; This is due to its wonderful benefits in enhancing the health and beauty of the skin.





Laurel soap mixtures to lighten skin tone

Skin whitening

Laurel soap for skin care and lightening its color

Learn with us about the benefits of laurel soap that it offers to the skin and about the most famous amazing mixtures of laurel soap in lightening the skin. These mixtures can be prepared in simple steps at home, and their ingredients can be purchased from herbal shops:



Laurel soap and rose water to lighten the skin


Laurel soap and rose water to lighten the skin


the components:


Laurel soap

Yogurt soap with milk

Black seed soap

A cup of water

Two cups of rose water

Half a tablespoon of sweet almond oil.

How to prepare:


Sprinkle the yogurt soap with milk, laurel soap, and black seed soap in a bowl, put the mixture on the fire, then put the rose water on the mixture, stir the ingredients well until they dissolve, then put the water on the mixture, stir it well and remove it from the heat.

Put almond oil on the mixture, stir the ingredients well until it becomes a cream, shape it as you wish and put it in the refrigerator until it freezes, and use it to wash the skin four times a week by massaging it for a quarter of an hour.




A mixture of laurel soap, rose water and lemon

Skin whitening

A mixture of laurel soap, rose water and lemon to lighten skin tone


the components:


Laurel soap

A lemon

A cup of rose water

How to prepare:



Sprinkle one soap with a little rose water and lemon juice, mix them together and store them in a special box. Use this recipe and leave it until it dries on your skin, then wash it with lukewarm water.

A mixture of laurel soap and rose water


A mixture of laurel soap and egg whites

Skin whitening

A mixture of laurel soap and egg whites to lighten the skin


the components:


Laurel soap

One egg white

Lemon juice

Two tablespoons of orange blossom water

How to prepare:

Grate the laurel soap, then add the rest of the ingredients to it, then mix them well with a blender, then wash your face with lukewarm water and leave it moist, then spread the mixture on your skin and leave it for 30 minutes before washing it with lukewarm water.



Laurel soap mixture with chamomile


Laurel soap mixture with chamomile

the components:


Two tablespoons of chamomile infusion

A teaspoon of olive oil

A tablespoon of rose water

A quarter cup of grated laurel soap

How to prepare:

Mix all of the previous ingredients well until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. After that, apply it to the skin and leave it for 20 minutes, then wash the skin with lukewarm water.





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