
Laser white lines removal and treatment, here is my full experience

Laser white lines removal and treatment, here is my full experience

We show you ways to remove white lines with a laser and treat them, as the white lines that appear in the body are among the problems that many women encounter, which affect their self-confidence, in addition to the fact that the appearance of these lines may cause them a lot of inconvenience, and this problem is one of the problems that do not It can be solved easily or with a simple recipe that can be done, so you must know the reasons that may cause the occurrence of white lines so that you can treat them correctly, so in this article we will mention to you everything you need to know about white lines and the importance of laser treatment in those cases And the benefits that laser gives you.


Laser removal and treatment of white lines


Laser is one of the most important treatments available to treat white lines that appear on the body, and its benefits include:


The laser works to penetrate the skin and work to regenerate cell tissue in the areas where women suffer from white lines, in addition to stimulating the areas where the stretch marks are.or white lines to heal faster than other treatments that may require some time, in addition to The laser treatment also stimulates the production of melanin pigment in the skin. So that it works to merge the white marks with the natural skin color, so that you can get a better result. There are many types of lasers that can be done to get rid of white lines. Among them: the fractional laser and this type The laser works to reduce stretch marks or white lines that appear on the skin. Causes of white lines appearing in the body


After we mentioned to you the benefits of removing white lines with a laser, you should know the most important reasons that lead to the appearance of white lines, including:


One of the most common reasons for the appearance of white lines is weight gain, and this is because the skin when gaining weight may need to stretch until the weight increases, and therefore white lines appear in many people. The body at that stage begins to grow rapidly, so many girls at that stage may notice the appearance of red and white lines as well. Pregnancy is one of the periods in which white lines appear in women, and this is due to the expansion of the abdomen that needs more space for the fetus to grow In addition, taking some medications may cause the appearance of white lines, and most of these medications contain cortisone, which works to reduce the proportion of collagen in the skin, thus reducing the elasticity that the skin enjoys, and then the appearance of stretch marks. Also, losing weight very quickly in many harsh regimes that many people may follow leads to the appearance of white lines in the body.


Fractional laser for white lines


The fractional laser is one of the types of laser that is used to remove white lines from the body, so we will learn how to remove white lines with a laser in this paragraph:


Fractional laser is one of the laser techniques that enable you to get rid of the white lines in the body for the reasons we mentioned to you, so this technique is intended to give the different layers of the body an even appearance. Also, the fractional laser is the most famous laser peeling technique, and this is because it works On the distribution of microscopic thermal columns on the different layers of the skin. But you should know that the feature of fractional lasers may not be suitable for many white lines, as it depends on the type of lines. The fractional laser is one of the types of laser techniques that can be applied to many areas of the body, and that These techniques depend on the time of the pulses and the level at which you penetrate the pulses. Treatment of white lines


There are many treatments that remove white lines from the body, in addition to laser removal of white lines, so here are the other ways:


One of the most famous treatments also for treating white lines are topical treatments, which are different creams and ointments. This treatment also depends on the type of lines and the effectiveness of different treatments. But this treatment requires commitment and care not to leave any day without applying the cream because this treatment requires complete commitment daily. So that you can get the result you want. In addition, the effectiveness of this treatment is less compared to the treatment of red lines, and this is because the red lines are what begin to appear first and then begin to turn white with time. There is also another treatment with topical needles, This treatment is considered one of the most effective treatments in fighting and eliminating fine lines and is found in many cosmetic and therapeutic clinics. This treatment stimulates collagen in the skin, so in the case of red lines, they disappear with time completely, while in the case of white lines, this treatment reduces Its appearance over time.Get rid of white lines naturally


Many women prefer to resort to natural treatments even if they require some commitment and some time so that you can notice the difference, in addition to removing white lines with laser. So here are the most famous ingredients:


Cocoa butter is a very popular substance in treating white lines and stretch marks, and it is also used in many creams and cosmetics to treat lines and stretch marks. Therefore, put about half a cup of cocoa butter with a tablespoon of wheat germ oil, which is known for its benefits on getting rid of lines, In addition to two tablespoons of beeswax and one tablespoon of oil from the pulp of the apricot, then add vitamin E oil. Then put these ingredients on the fire until you notice that the beeswax has begun to melt and the mixture has merged with each other, then you can store this mixture in the refrigerator until you can After that, you can apply this cream or mixture to the place where the lines are, two to three times a day. Aloe vera is one of the most famous natural ingredients that reduce the appearance of white lines, by applying aloe vera or aloe vera gel on the The areas with white lines. After making sure to wash the area well, or you can put this ingredient on the body after taking a shower, taking into account the commitment and placing it on the skin daily two to three times according to the possibility of applying it during the day.

In the end, ways to remove white lines with a laser and treat them are among the most effective ways so that you can get rid of white lines permanently from the body, in addition to other treatments that you can try, but they will not be as effective as lasers if you want a quick result.

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