
Large pore treatment mask

Large pore treatment mask

Today  we offer you how to treat large pores   by applying  a mask to treat large pores and a few easy steps to get rid of this problem with time. One of the most difficult skin problems is “the wide pores of the face” and today we are talking about a final treatment method in 3 steps and from the first use, as the face is one of the most places in the body through which the aesthetic qualities of a person stand out, which makes attention to the freshness of the skin a priority for caring for the external appearance and beauty. Wide pores are It is small pits that appear on the skin of the face in places that are often the nose, forehead and cheeks and make it look like an orange peel, as it affects the beauty of the face and also causes other problems such as acne and blackheads


Causes of large pores



, age

, lack of water intake,

oily skin,

hormone fluctuation ,

lack of attention to skin , excessive

use of cosmetics


Large pore treatment The first method is a toner for treating large pores


The toner is a light liquid that works to shrink large pores, refresh the skin, reduce oily secretions, and restore the skin’s natural balance and softness.



the components


A tablespoon of dried hibiscus: It is very effective in constricting large pores A spoonful of dried or fresh mint: Mint contains menthol, which helps improve blood circulation in the skinTwo tablespoons of natural rose oil: Rose oil reduces the secretion of fat in the face and nose area Boiling water


The method

In a small bowl, we will add hibiscus leaves and mint leaves, add boiling water, and finally two tablespoons of rose water oil, and we make a steam bath in it.

After an hour, we filter the mixture until it cools completely

Ingredients and method

  • A tablespoon of sugar: tightens the skin and helps to shrink large pores
  • A teaspoon of orange oil: One of the oils that is very resistant to skin fat, it absorbs subcutaneous fat
  • A spoon of the hibiscus mixture previously
  • Use twice a week and keep in the fridge for two weeks



The third method is a mask for treating large pores

Ingredients and method

  • A tablespoon of starch: important to catch large pores, refresh the skin, and reduce oily secretions.
    One egg white: absorbs fat, removes blackheads, tightens the skin and works to clean it deeply.
  • It is used once a week
    and after using the three methods the difference becomes clear from the first use


  • Use the steam bath weekly to clean the pores of bacteria
    and microbes
  • Use the exfoliator twice a week for best
  • Use the toner daily with a cotton to clean the pores regularly to prevent them from appearing again and get rid of them permanently




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