Incredible Guyabano Leaves Tea Benefits

Do you know that Guyabano is also known by other names such as Brazilian paw paw, soursop, and graviola? The wonder herb is native to South and Central America, and serves as a dietary supplement for treating several health conditions. It is gaining popularity because of its natural remedy for pain relief, viruses, and some types of cancer.

Guyabano Leaves Tea Benefits

Another method to attain the full benefits of guyabano leaves is to boil them and drink them as tea. It is simple to prepare the guyabano tea. You may add fresh or dried guyabano leaves to boiling water. Make sure not to have the tea cold because it then loses its effective benefits.

Below, let us learn more about the Guyabano Leaves Tea Benefits and other interesting facts.

What Is Guyabano?

Guyabano is the fruit of Annona Muricata, native to the tropical regions in America. The prickly fruit has a strong flavor and creamy texture similar to strawberry or pineapple. They are eaten raw or its leaves are brewed to make tea.

Nutritional Value Of Guyabano:

A common serving of the fruit is low in calories but high in nutrients like Vitamin C and fiber. For instance, a 100 grams serving of guyabano contains the following nutrients:

  • Calories: 66
  • Protein: 1 gram
  • Carbs: 16.8 grams
  • Fiber: 3.3 grams
  • Vitamin C: 34% RDI
  • Potassium: 8% RDI
  • Magnesium: 5% RDI
  • Thiamine: 5% RDI

Health Benefits Of Guyabano Leaves:

Graviola has a high content of niacin, iron, folate, and riboflavin. Several parts of the fruits are used for medical purpose, including its stems, leaves, and fruit. It can also be used topically over skin and for cooking purpose. Studies have also revealed a number of health benefits of the wonder herb in recent years. Let us now examine them.

1. High In Antioxidants:

There are several benefits of the fruit because of its high presence of antioxidants. These compounds can help neutralize harmful agents known as free radicals. Some studies reveal that antioxidants can play an important role in lowering the risk of diseases like diabetes, cancer, and heart problems.

2. Kill Cancer Cells:

Research for Guyabano is currently limited to test-tube studies. Some studies have revealed that the fruit can potentially kill cancer cells. One test tube study established that it can reduce tumor size, improve the activity of immune system, and kill off cancer cells.

3. Alleviate Back Pain:

Sitting at one place for hours can lead to a decline in health, including back pain. To alleviate the pain, try a natural remedy like guyabano tea. Brew its leaves to a pot of boiling water. Have the tea daily to ease the pain.

4. Improves your Mood:

Do you know taking guyabano tea can help improve your mood and keep you relaxed? Have the tea daily to see the results.

5. Stabilize Blood Sugar Levels:

According to a rodent study in 2008, graviola can benefits diabetes by stabilizing its blood sugar levels. The study also revealed that the fruit can significantly lower glucose levels in diabetic rats. It is important to note that there are no studies made yet on the effects of the tea on humans.

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