
Important tips for dealing with large pores

Important tips for dealing with large pores

Important tips for dealing with large pores


Large pores in the face appear due to the pores being filled with dirt and oils as a result of not cleaning the face properly and regularly. Getting rid of enlarged pores has more than one way, whether with home remedies or medical treatments. Here are the treatments for you to choose what suits you best.

1- egg white

You can use egg whites as a temporary treatment to simply close your facial pores. Rub your face with egg white, leave it for 20 minutes, then rinse well.


2- water vapor

A steam bath is an easy and inexpensive way to remove dirt and oil from clogged pores. Boil some water in a bowl and let it cool down a bit, then put your face near the bowl and cover your head with a towel and keep doing this for 5 minutes, then rinse your face with cold water.


3- tomato pulp

Extract the fresh tomato pulp and apply it on your face and leave it for 10 minutes. Rinse your face with cold water to reduce the size of the pores. Use tomato pulp regularly on your face as it acts as a natural skin toner.



Clay acts as a powerful natural skin toner. For this reason, it can be used as a way to reduce the size of large pores. Prepare a mixture of clay and water and apply it on your face and leave it until it dries completely. Wash your face with cold water after it dries. You will find the pore size has been greatly reduced.

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