
I brought you the ingredient that will fulfill your dream of having great hair

Half of a woman’s beauty is her hair, and there is no woman on earth who does not like to enjoy distinctive and smooth hair like silk. That is why we suggest to you, through my website, this ideal recipe that consists of natural materials that give your hair smoothness and a distinctive shine.


Ingredients: a spoonful of olive oil + a spoon of Coke oil + a carrot juice + a soft banana + a spoon of natural honey + a box of natural yoghurt + a whole egg + a cup of ground sesame

Method of preparation: Mix all the ingredients and grind them in the electric mixer until you get a creamy mixture, then apply it to your hair, rubbing the hair strand by strand, then cover your hair with a towel dampened with warm water for an hour, then rinse with water and shampoo.

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