
How to use neem to treat dandruff?

How to use neem to treat dandruff?

Dandruff is a common problem and many of us are looking for effective solutions to eliminate it easily. While there are plenty of medications and products on the market to treat dandruff, experts suggest using neem to treat dandruff. It is one of the most effective treatments to eliminate dandruff because it removes dandruff and all the problems caused by dandruff.

Neem is one of the Indian herbs that have been used for a long time to treat various problems, especially hair and skin problems. Neem leaves are easily available as they are loaded with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal properties and these properties thwart the effect of dandruff. Here are some ways to use neem to treat dandruff and prevent its recurrence. In the beginning, you should know the causes of dandruff.

Dandruff causes:

dry skin

If you have dry skin, there are chances of having dandruff. Sometimes environmental factors such as cold air during winter can lead to dry skin. If you notice that the skin of your legs or hands is dry and itchy, check for dandruff as well. Dandruff caused by dry skin is usually small, drier, and not oily.

Oily skin :

You should know that oily skin is another reason behind the appearance of oily dandruff. What is worse is that this type of dandruff not only attacks dandruff, but also other parts of the body rich in sebaceous glands, such as the eyebrows, the sides of the nose, behind the ear, thigh, armpit, chest, In this case, you get a red greasy crust covered with a white crust.

Dermatology :

If you suffer from some skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema or seborrheic dermatitis, you will be prone to dandruff because the scalp is part of the body’s skin.

Fungal infections :

They are found on the scalp of most healthy adults and do no harm. However, the overgrowth of these fungi causes dandruff. And it grows due to various factors such as weather, genetics, diet, hormones, stress. But the body’s immune system fights the growth of microorganisms in the scalp and symptoms such as dandruff and itching appear.

How to use neem to treat dandruff?

Neem water:

Experts support the use of neem as a folk remedy for dandruff. It is very easy to use neem and at the same time it gives you positive results. And if you plan to wash your hair, there is nothing better than neem water as a lotion to eliminate dandruff, you must be ready to use it.

the components :

  • 40 neem sheets.
  • 1 liter of water.


  • Boil the water and then raise it from the temperature. Then add the neem leaves to the boiling water and leave it to soak overnight.
  •  In the morning you can wash the hair with this water well. In order to enable you to immediately reduce the feeling of itching caused by dandruff. It is preferable to use this lotion 2-3 times a week to get rid of this problem completely.

 Neem paste:

Making neem paste and using it in the treatment of dandruff. Once you take a handful of fresh neem leaves and grind it to turn it into a paste when you add a little warm water to this powder to make a consistent paste. Now, simply, you can apply this paste on the hair from the ends to the roots of the hair. Use this paste to massage the scalp and then leave it for a period of time before washing the hair with cold water. Direct application of neem paste on the scalp helps you solve the problem of dandruff, lice and many other problems.

 Neem hair mask:

You can prepare a neem mask to get rid of dandruff, as it is a new technique to eliminate dandruff and it is very easy to prepare. This mask also increases the glow of the hair and allows you to provide more medicinal benefits to the hair more effectively.

the components :

  • 40 neem sheets.
  • 1 liter of water.
  • 1 tablespoon of honey.


  •  Boil the water and then remove it from the fire, then add the neem to the boiling water and allow it to leave overnight.
  • In the morning, the water is filtered from the neem leaves and the solution is used to rinse the hair. Using the leaves, you can make a paste of neem leaves by grinding them in a blender and using the paste to apply it to the scalp. It is preferable to add honey to this mixture to add more luster to the skin, and it is recommended to leave it for about 30 minutes before washing it with water.
  • It is preferable to repeat this mask at least once a week and you will notice a reduction in the appearance of dandruff as soon as possible. After a while, the hair becomes more manageable and free of frizz.

 Neem and Coconut Oil for Hair:

Warm home remedies provide many benefits and amazing results for hair. Not only because it helps to keep the nerves calm and relax because of the warm oil massage to help you promote the health and texture of the hair. By making a mixture of neem leaves with coconut oil.

the components :

  •  1 cup of coconut oil.
  • 20 sheets of neem
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.
  •  1/4 cup of castor oil.


  •  Heat the coconut oil with the addition of neem leaves and leave it to boil for 13 minutes and then raise it from the heat until it cools down and filter the oil and add lemon juice and castor oil to it.
  •  You can store the mixture of oils in a suitable bottle, preferably clean and dry, and massage the hair with an appropriate amount on the hair at least twice a week, and make sure to leave the oil on the hair for at least an hour before washing it. After a while, you can be sure that the hair is soft, smooth and completely free of dandruff.

 Neem oil treatment:

Therapists indicate that using neem oil to prevent and get rid of dandruff is the most effective treatment to eliminate dandruff completely. Neem oil is obtained from neem seeds. It is very strong and you can use it in a diluted form. The final results will really surprise you. Even when using neem oil alone and applying it to shampoo before washing hair.

 the components :

  • 1 cup of coconut oil.
  • 1/4 cup of neem oil.


  •  Do the storage of coconut oil and neem oil.
  • Apply an amount of oil on the scalp and preferably leave it overnight on the scalp to get the best results and wash the hair with neem oil. You can repeat this treatment once or twice a week to get the best results.

Neem and fenugreek mask:

You can protect hair from dandruff by relying on a mixture of neem and fenugreek seeds. Like neem, fenugreek seeds work to get rid of fungi and bacteria because they have anti-bacterial properties and resist fungi and parasites. These properties give a wonderful and soothing effect to the skin and prevent dryness of the skin

the components :

  • 2 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds.
  • 40 neem leaves
  • 1/2 cup of yogurt.
  •  1 tablespoon of lemon juice.


  • Soak the fenugreek seeds in water for three hours and then add the neem leaves to the seeds with a few drops of water.
  • Once you get a smooth paste, you can add yogurt and lemon juice.
  • Apply the paste on the hair and leave it for about an hour before trying to wash it. It is recommended to use this mask twice a week to get the best results and eliminate dandruff.

Neem is one of the natural and effective ways to fight dandruff. Just make sure to use these remedies regularly to get great results. Make sure to do these remedies with eating a healthy diet, exercising, drinking plenty of water and avoiding stress to prevent dandruff formation. It is also preferable to consult a doctor to get the best results.

Ways to prevent the appearance of dandruff:

Maintain a healthy diet :  Do not forget that hair is a part of the body and needs to be nourished. And you must provide your hair with healthy food and includes foods that contain zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin B complex.

Zinc :  It is found in poultry, liqueurs, legumes, whole grains, dairy products, crab and red meat.

Omega-3 fatty acids :  salmon, carrots, broccoli, flaxseeds, spinach, canola oil, beans, broccoli, kiwi, grape leaves.

Get vitamin B :  eggs, legumes, fish, cabbage, potatoes, whole grains, milk.

Reduce stress :

Stress, which leads to a weak immune system, makes you vulnerable to many diseases, including skin diseases and even dandruff. So try to stay away from stress and you can manage stress by practicing yoga or meditation exercises.

Choose hair care products carefully :

There are many hair care products that may give attractive and shiny hair, but make the scalp more greasy, and it is better to reduce these products or prevent them completely. And if you need to use them, you can resort to natural remedies and herbs, and do not forget to use shampoo after applying these products

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