How to make a french mille feuille cake  

How to make a french mille feuille cake

French mille feille cake in an easy way, with simple ingredients and available with a wonderful taste, delicious sour cream flavor and chocolate sauce, the family will love it very much.


French Mille Fei Cake Ingredients:


4 cups flour (600 grams)

Sour cream cup (200 grams)

Sugar cup (200 grams)

Butter cup (200 grams) at room temperature Egg whites 2 baking powder 1 teaspoon 5 grams To prepare the filling: We need 4 cups (liters) of milk A cup (200 g) sugarcube (200 g) butter, at room temperature¼ cup (50 g) dark chocolate5 tablespoons (50 g) flour5 tablespoons (50 g) cocoa1 tablespoon (15 g) honey1 tsp (15 g) vanilla ½ teaspoon (5 ml) To prepare the sauce: Dark chocolate 1/2 cup (100 grams) Butter ¼ cup (50 grams) at room temperature 3 tablespoons (45 ml) oil

Method of preparation French Mille Fey Cake Put the milk on the stove and leave it until it boils. Take a cup of boiled milk and add flour, cocoa and sugar to it Stir well until the mixture is homogeneous, then add it to the rest of the milk, stir well, then add the chocolate and stir well. Add the butter, honey and vanilla when the texture becomes thick, stir well until the added butter melts. Leave the mixture aside until it cools completely. To prepare the cake, put the butter, sugar, sour cream and egg whites In the electric mixer for ten minutes, add the flour and baking powder Roll and knead until we get a homogeneous and soft dough. We divide the dough into 8 pieces and form them in the form of balls of equal size. Roll each piece of dough between two sheets of butter so that it does not stick to the rolling pin, to obtain a thin rectangular layer. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and put each layer of dough in the oven. A tray and put it in the oven for ten minutes, then let it cool. We prepare the sauce on a hot water bath, where we put the oil, butter and chocolate, and stir the ingredients well until they are homogeneous. Now we start preparing the mille-fi. We put a layer of dough, spread a layer of filling on top of it. Then we repeat the process until the quantity is finished so that the layer is The last of the mille-fi. We distribute the sauce on the last layer and decorate it as we want. We put the cake in the refrigerator for a period of no less than 8 hours, then we take out the cake and cut it in the desired shape and size and serve it.

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