How to improve memory and make it strong and long-term

Improving memory is something that young and old strive for. We live in a world that is filled with information without stopping. It is like a waterfall that flows without end. This waterfall is filled with news, data, facts and figures that it pours into our minds. Unfortunately, our brains are not designed to absorb this huge amount of information. No wonder most people struggle to remember information and remember things. Even if you think you have a good memory, you will also realize that there is a lot of information that your brain cannot process at once. Research indicates that the more information you have, the more difficult it is for you to transfer information into long-term memory.

There are a number of everyday strategies that can improve your memory, strengthen your memory  naturally, and protect your brain from memory loss as you age. Few natural remedies have been found to improve memory in scientific studies such as meditation, getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, all of which keep your mind sharp as you age, and may reduce your risk of aging, such as Alzheimer’s disease. and dementia

How to improve memory naturally:

1. Improving memory by meditation :

Fortunately, meditation can help you improve your memory. Even if you only meditate for 10 minutes a day, it will increase your ability to focus, which in turn will make it easier for you to remember important facts.

If you need help practicing a good meditative state to revitalize your mind, I recommend trying an app like Headspace – which can help you achieve this in a relaxed and orderly manner. And don’t forget that meditation isn’t just about closing your eyes and sitting in the lotus position. Some people simply prefer to walk in planted areas amid trees and meditate and this calms their minds, and still provides an important boost to their focus.

2. Improve memory by getting enough sleep :

If you are sleep deprived or not sleeping well I suspect you don’t remember well either, if you lead a busy life and find that you don’t get enough sleep it will negatively affect your cognitive abilities including your memory. This is because sleep and memory are closely related. Sleep is a precious activity. It rejuvenates your body, clears your mind, and helps store and retrieve information.

How much sleep should you get? Maintaining a proper sleep cycle is not always easy but if you are interested in improving your short- and long-term ability to remember things, it is important that you try to get at least the recommended amount of sleep each night.

According to the National Sleep Foundation, you need at least seven to nine hours of sleep per night. If you get that much sleep regularly, then in just a few days, you will see a measurable improvement in your ability to remember and recall things.

There are some tips to help you get a peaceful sleep, such as:

  • Sleep at fixed times (preferably before 10 pm).
  • Make sure the bedroom is as dark as possible.
  • Do not use the phone in bed and it is recommended to put the phone on silent mode.
  • You can drink a cup of star anise or a cup of yogurt to calm your mind and help you sleep.
  • Take a warm bath and put a few drops of lavender oil inside the bathtub.

3. A healthy diet and its relationship to improving memory:

  • Antioxidants : A diet rich in antioxidants may help protect brain cells from damage associated with aging. Since studies on the health effects of antioxidant supplementation have yielded mixed results, many alternative medicine experts recommend eating memory enhancing food especially including foods rich in antioxidants in your diet such as broccoli, strawberries, beans, red apples, and artichokes.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids : Omega-3 fatty acids (a type of healthy fat with anti-inflammatory effects) may help slow cognitive decline in older adults, according to a research review published in 2009. Omega-3s are widely available in complementary foods such as fish and nuts. and flaxseeds
  • Herbs :herbal memory enhancement is very common. Although there is a general lack of scientific support for the use of herbs to maintain brain health, some research suggests that ginkgo biloba and ginseng tablets may help enhance cognitive function and improve memory in middle-aged adults. . 

4. Learning a new skill is essential to ensure continuous improvement of memory :

I love this quote, because it is 100% true but often overlooked “Learning never exhausts the mind” and we can categorically say that engaging in purposeful and purposeful activities stimulates the mind. It also reduces stress and promotes health and well-being.

Learning new skills gives you impetus, increases your focus and improves your memory. The mind loves to learn, and you should take advantage of this by always looking for our new information. When learning becomes a habit, you will find that you will be able to remember things and recall things effortlessly, and it will become a habit as well, and this will gradually improve your memory.

5. Challenge your brain to keep improving your memory.

I don’t mean challenge in the sense of overeating or undersleeping. I’m referring to expanding your brainpower through things like crossword puzzles, sudoku and memory games. To expand your memory bank, and to make your memories sharp, you need to constantly challenge your brain. Brain training apps are a very effective way to do that. Used regularly, these apps can enhance your focus, attention span, thinking ability and improve your memory. Challenging your brain will enhance your neural pathways and enhance your mental abilities. Try practicing these regular applications and see the positive benefits for yourself and tell us the results in the comments section.

6. Improving memory and its connection to taking more rest :

Taking regular breaks is the best way to keep yourself productive, and it’s also the best way to learn new information. Usually when studying a lot of new information, most people will spend hours reading it – trying to learn and remember the content as quickly as possible, and unfortunately, they’ve missed something. is that extended study sessions are rarely a good thing, as your ability to retain information naturally declines after a certain period of time.

It is similar to physical exercise. You wouldn’t try to train hard for four hours straight. Instead, you take regular breaks to give your lungs, heart, and muscles enough time to recover. As rigorous exercise without taking a break leads to muscle cramps and excessive fatigue.

It’s the same in your mind. If you overload her with information, she will suffer from mental fatigue. So make sure you take regular breaks when learning new information. I recommend a break of at least 10 minutes per hour


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