How to get rid of blackness between the thighs and white lines


Question: How to get rid of blackness between the thighs and white lines

You can get rid of blackening of the thighs and white lines through several methods, most notably skin Emery, the application of skin care products such as serum, as well as the application of natural oils and various natural mixtures. From here, Continue reading the following lines to learn how to treat blackness between the thighs and then how to get rid of white lines. 

Methods of treatment of darkening between the thighs

1-skin Emery to treat darkening between the thighs

It is very important to sand the skin occasionally. There are products for the body that remove dead skin, thereby getting rid of the darkening between the thighs. These products contain natural ingredients such as green tea or charcoal, the white skin.

1- THE BODY SHOP Fuji Green Tea Body Scrub

2- PACIFICA Coconut & Charcoal Underarm Detox Scrub

2-use a serum to treat darkening between the thighs

If you think serums are the preserve of facial skin, you’re wrong! It is very important to use this product to lighten the skin and blackening her. The serum will also restore the freshness you are looking for.

1- AMAIRA Skin Lightening Serum

2- DOT & KEY Underarm Colour Correction Serum

3- iS CLINICAL White Lightening Serum

3-natural mixtures to treat darkening between the thighs

1-turmeric blend to treat darkening between thighs

Turmeric contains antioxidants that contribute to lightening the skin and getting rid of dark spots.


A teaspoon of turmeric

A tablespoon of oatmeal

A tablespoon of honey

Spoon of yogurt

Method of preparation

Mix the ingredients and apply the mask to the skin for 20 minutes, after which wash with lukewarm water. 

2-Orange blend to treat darkening between the thighs

Help orange peels for skin lightening get rid of dark spots naturally, thanks to its citric acid.


1/4 spoon of grated orange peel

1/2 cup white or brown sugar

1/4 cup olive oil

 2 tablespoons ginger powder

Method of preparation

Mix the ingredients well and use the mixture to massage moistened facial and body skin in circular motions for 5 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water. You can save them in the refrigerator for a week from the time of preparation.

3-milk and honey mixture to treat darkening between the thighs

Lactic acid contained in yogurt blocks the production of an enzyme called tyrosinase that is responsible for the production of melanin. This article lead to the appearance of dark spots. Blocking the production of melanin contributes to whitening the skin and making it brighter. Honey has antibacterial properties, so it is useful for lightening and moisturizing the skin at the same time, and also reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.


Two tablespoons of yogurt 

Two tablespoons of honey 

A spoon of rose water 

Spoon of lemon 

1/4 cup of raspberries 

Method of preparation


Mix the ingredients in a blender until you have a cohesive mixture. Apply the mixture to your face for 10 minutes before washing off with lukewarm water.

4-mix rose water and tomato juice to treat darkening between the thighs

Rose water has whitening and uniform skin tone properties, so if you want to get rid of dark spots and pigmentation, don’t hesitate to apply this ingredient. Tomatoes contain lycopene, which eliminates dark spots, brightens and tones the skin.


3 tablespoons of rose water.

Two tablespoons of tomato juice.

A spoonful of honey.

Method of preparation

Apply the mixture to your face and let it dry for 10 minutes. Then wash your face with cold water. Come to this mixture once a week to observe the desired results.

5-mix flour and yogurt to treat darkening between the thighs

Flour treats grains that appear on the face, specifically acne. It also brightens dark skin tone within a short period of time. 


1/2 cup flour

Two tablespoons of yogurt

Two tablespoons of lemon juice

1/4 cup of milk 

Teaspoon of turmeric

Method of preparation 

Layer the mixture on the target area and wait to dry, then massage skin in a circular manner to provide clearance of the Dead Cells. These uniform ingredients will act as a skin exfoliator and as a remedy for pigmentation and dark spots secondly.

6-white henna mixture to treat blackness between the thighs

White henna removes dark pigmentation and lightens the skin. 


3 tablespoons white henna

A tablespoon of turmeric

A tablespoon of yogurt powder

2 tablespoons of rose water

Method of preparation

Mix all these ingredients together and apply it on the areas to be lightened in your body and more for an hour maximum. After the period has elapsed, wash your skin with cold water and apply a moisturizing cream. Repeat this step twice a week to achieve the desired result.

4-natural oils to treat darkening between the thighs

1-rosemary oil or rosemary oil to treat darkening between the thighs

This oil contributes to strengthening blood circulation, fighting bacteria and cleansing the skin. Rosemary oil also helps fight free radicals that trigger pigmentation in the skin, so it mainly contributes to getting rid of dark spots.

Mix well a cup of coconut oil with 10 to 12 drops of rosemary oil. Massage dark spots with this mixture and let your skin absorb it for 30 minutes. Then wash your face by water.  

2-lemon oil to treat darkening between the thighs

Since lemon oil falls under the category of citrus, it has astringent properties (Astringent Propreties ) that are useful for whitening the skin and getting rid of dark spots. Click here and learn more about the benefits of lemon oil.  

Mix a teaspoon of orange peel powder with 4 drops of lemon oil and two teaspoons of Greek yogurt. Apply this mask to your face and leave for 10 minutes, then remove. Repeat this step twice during the week. 

3-turmeric oil to treat darkening between the thighs

Turmeric oil contains antioxidants that contribute to lightening the skin and getting rid of dark spots.

You can add a few drops of turmeric oil to your beauty products such as face washes, serums or masks to take advantage of its benefits to lighten the skin and get rid of dark spots. 

4-chamomile oil for the treatment of darkening between the thighs

Chamomile oil contains anti-inflammatory substances so it contributes to the elimination of pigmentation on the skin.

Mix 5 drops of chamomile oil with 5 drops of lavender oil, two tablespoons of shea butter and layer this mixture on the dark spots.

5-lavender oil for the treatment of darkening between the thighs

Lavender oil acts as a skin soothing and has anti-inflammatory properties so it helps to treat skin pigmentation caused by acne scars.

Take the above mixture, which contains lavender oil and chamomile oil that are useful for getting rid of dark spots. 

6-carrot seed oil to treat darkening between thighs

Containing beta-carotene and antioxidants that are beneficial to the skin, carrot seed oil helps to eliminate dark spots contributing to facial whitening.

Mix inside a small bottle a quarter cup of sesame oil with 7 drops of lemon oil and 10 drops of sandalwood oil. Movement, mix well and keep it inside a small bottle. Apply 2 to 4 drops of it to your entire face before bed and then remove it in the morning with water. 

7. geranium oil for the treatment of darkening between the thighs

Geranium oil contributes to the uniformity of skin tone and the elimination of dark spots.

Mix 6 drops of geranium oil with 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel and keep this mixture inside a small bottle. Apply the mixture to your face before bedtime and take advantage of its benefits throughout the night to remove dark spots.

Ways to treat white lines

1-pepper and coffee mixture to treat white lines

You need to mix half a cup of coffee crushed, a teaspoon of chili pepper and a quarter cup of olive oil together well. Apply the mixture to the area where the white lines are located for 10 minutes, after which wash the place. Repeat this process for good results.

2-chili and ginger mixture to treat white lines

Bring the spoon of grated ginger and mix with two tablespoons of chili powder, lemon juice and the cup of warm water. Drink this mix 3 times a day for 3 months.

3-Mix glycerin and olive oil to treat white lines

Mix one and a half tablespoons of olive oil with a semi-ground spoon, 3 tablespoons glycerin, a spoonful of rose water and two tablespoons of moisturizing cream of any kind. Rub the white lines with the mixture, leave for an hour and wash with lukewarm water. Repeat this step for two weeks.

4. olive oil to treat white lines

Put olive oil in a package, close, wrap it in a cloth and put it in the sun for 40 days, taking care to stir it twice a day morning and evening. After the expiry of the period mentioned, grease the oil on the white lines twice daily in the morning and evening.

5-apple cider vinegar to treat white lines

In this recipe you only need to massage the area where you want to get rid of the white lines with apple cider vinegar, leave until morning and then wash the place with water mixed with rose water.

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