
How do you treat your child’s dental injuries?

How do you treat your child’s dental injuries?

The mother is very happy when her child becomes very mobile, and she is even more happy when his movement is accompanied by the emergence of his teeth, and she considers this evidence of his health and sound growth, but her joy does not last when he stumbles and falls or collides with furniture and the teeth are damaged.




The beautiful little white baby, and she is confused about how to treat him and reduce the risk of this injury, and raises many questions about injuries to baby teeth.


Dr. Hamouda Shoblaq, a dental specialist and surgeon, says about injuries to children’s baby teeth: Dental injuries are one of the most common problems in children, as it is the stage where the child begins to rely on himself to move and walk.




He was often exposed to several unfortunate and painful accidents for him and his mother.


Regarding the most important of these accidents and injuries and their treatment methods, Dr. Shoblaq explains:



• Tooth fracture: The treatment method depends on the degree of fracture, whether it is in the outer layer of the tooth (tooth enamel) or in the inner layers.


• Movement of the tooth from its position: whether the tooth enters into the bone surrounding the tooth roots, or moves outward toward the opposing teeth, or lateral movement toward the adjacent teeth.


• Teeth falling out: This is the complete eruption of the child’s teeth out of their original position as a result of being exposed to an accident. In this particular case, the mother can intervene here by keeping the tooth that has fallen out and going to the nearest doctor.




Teeth, making sure that the mother does not wash this tooth or rub it with anything, and only bring it as it is. In some cases, it is recommended to keep the child’s tooth inside the child’s mouth between the cheek and gums. Saliva is considered an important vital medium.




To maintain the vitality of the tooth.


• In cases where the tooth that fell out is lost after the child was exposed to a strong blow or some accident, the matter is up to the doctor’s discretion (Does the child need to have a device installed that works to preserve the void created by the tooth falling out?




In order to avoid the problem of teeth sliding towards this space, and thus the problem of accumulation and crowding of teeth afterwards), as for the decision to replace the missing tooth, we make a removable prosthesis after the wound in the place of the missing tooth has healed. As for the prosthesis




The fixed (crown or bridge) must be after the age of (18 years); So that this does not affect the growth of the jaw.

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