How do I take care of my skin “oily-dry-normal-sensitive and combination skin

We all strive for a fresh and attractive skin, and although human skin constantly renews itself, we need to support it until it reaches the best condition, so read this article to know how to maintain your skin.



How do I take care of my skin




Skin types and treatments: There are four types of skin: oily, dry, normal and combination skin.


1- Dry skin: If your skin tends to dry, lacks oil, and has few scars and pimples, it is considered dry skin, and dry skin makes it lack elasticity and can be very sensitive to sunlight, wind and cold temperatures, you should wash your face once One a day with antiseptic cream and warm water.


Treatment: Rinse the skin with warm water, stay away from types of makeup that contain alcohol, as they are very harmful to dry skin, and use a moisturizing cream for the skin to keep it moist.

2- Oily skin: If your skin is oily, it is more prone to pimples and blackheads than other skin types.


The treatment: Your skin tends to attract more dirt than dry skin, so you should wash your face twice a day with warm water and liquid, use alcohol-free makeup, and even though your skin is oily, you should use a light moisturizer daily, so it doesn’t get dirty. Your skin is dry.


3- Normal skin: If your skin is oily in the nose area while it is dry and tight on the cheeks, then this is normal skin and it remains good until it changes with the seasons, becoming dry in the severe cold in winter and oily in the summer heat.


Treatment: you have to wash your face with water with cleansers that are specially designed for normal skin, and you have to keep dry skin by applying moisturizing creams on it constantly.

4- Mixed skin: This skin is formed in the case of acne and the use of make-up at the same time, so a dry layer and an oily layer are applied to the face.


Treatment: You have to maintain your skin as we explained in the previous skin types, and be careful that you consult a doctor in case of increased acne.


5- Sensitive skin:


Sensitive skin is not a special type of skin. Rather, it is a characteristic that may accompany other types of skin. Your skin may be sensitive and oily, sensitive and dry, sensitive and normal, and so on. Sensitive skin is more affected by the sun and wind, and this appears in the form of redness in the skin and it can develop into the appearance of melasma.


Treatment: You should look for soothing and soothing creams for your skin such as those that contain: chamomile, azulene, bisabolol, allantoin, lavender, camphor, calamine, rosemary, thyme, aloe vera etc. These ingredients will soothe your face, and you have to About irritating skin make-up that contains alcohol.


Care for all skin types:


1- Protecting the skin from the harmful rays of the sun: The sun’s rays harm the skin a lot, not only in the summer period, as some think, but even in the winter period. Which contain moisturizing and reduce sun damage and are available in the market.


2- Clean your face gently: Do not clean your face too hard, so that your skin does not dry out.


3- Exfoliating the skin: You have to look for the type of sandpaper that is suitable for your skin, and you can read the leaflet accompanying the type of sandpaper to make sure that it is suitable for your skin.


4- Follow a healthy lifestyle: You have to quit smoking, as tobacco is harmful to health, and follow a healthy diet by eating appropriate amounts of fruits and vegetables, and you have to stay away from stress as much as possible.


Tips :

1- If you are exposed to the scorching sun, you can make a mask for your face consisting of milk with aloe vera, it will help in alleviating the effects of the scorching sun.


2- Washing your face with a mixture of brown sugar and a few drops of milk is enough to rid your face of the accumulated oils that clog the pores of your face.


3- Lemon juice works well to reduce scars.


4- Washing your face with soap during the day cleans your skin of the dirt that causes blackheads and pimples, although washing too much can cause dryness, note that you should visit a dermatologist to make sure that the type of soap suits your skin.


5- Make sure to drink plenty of water so that your skin is not dehydrated.


6- Vitamins are necessary for healthy skin, especially vitamins A, B, and C. Vitamin E helps to improve the complexion.


7- Avoid scratching your skin or dealing with it forcefully.




Strong lotion may cause redness of the skin.


Some types of sunscreens may cause scarring on the face.


You should not try to open any scar on your face, as this will allow a lot of bacteria to enter your skin.


Make-up may often cause the skin to dry out.


Use caution when using any product that contains peroxide acids, such as acne creams, as they can cause significant sensitivity to your skin if exposed to the sun while it is on your skin.

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