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Home Teeth Whitening Techniques/Banana Peel and Broccoli - Care Beauty

Home Teeth Whitening Techniques/Banana Peel and Broccoli

It is not difficult at all to have white teeth naturally at home. With a few materials and careful application, you can have brighter and whiter teeth. Natural teeth whitening methods at home prepared by Fiskosta.com are for you.


Ingredients for natural teeth whitening at home


Banana peel

StrawberryBaking powder



coconut oil

Lemon juice




Natural teeth whitening methods at home


Did you know that the whiteness in the banana peels whitens and brightens your teeth? You can rub this white part on your teeth, or you can remove it with the help of a spoon and apply it to your brush and brush your teeth in this way. Even the first time, your teeth will shine and get a little whiter each time. Banana peels have a natural exfoliating effect.


After chewing a strawberry, you can also naturally whiten your teeth by brushing with the rest. It is known by everyone that strawberries have natural teeth whitening properties.


We said that strawberry is used at the beginning of natural teeth whitening methods at home . But what if baking soda comes next to the strawberry, have you thought about the effect it can have? Mash the strawberry with a fork and mix it by adding half a teaspoon of baking soda. Brush your teeth with this mixture. You won’t believe how white it turns out in a short time. Especially before special days, this formula will have a great effect.


Boiled broccoli and cauliflower are also ideal ingredients for natural teeth whitening at home . Brush your teeth by mashing the boiled broccoli or cauliflower with a fork. Broccoli and cauliflower have a cleaning effect on teeth.


One of the formulas you’ve never heard of is coconut oil. If you can find the natural coconut oil, you can make an ideal application to get white teeth. Brush your teeth with coconut oil. Thus, you can get brighter and whiter teeth.


Add a few drops of lemon juice to 1 teaspoon of baking soda. This mixture you have prepared is the most heard of natural teeth whitening formulas; however, there are two tricks here: First, use the mixture after it has foamed well; Secondly , gently rub your at-home teeth whitening formula on your teeth with your fingers and then wash it off. Otherwise, you may cause tooth enamel to be scratched.


Thin the sea salt by running it through the robot. Brush your teeth by adding a teaspoon of glycerin to 1 teaspoon of sea salt.


Attention! The risks of natural teeth whitening at home


Teeth whitening at home is an application that we all want. The formulas we recommend will help your teeth become brighter and whiter. However, keep in mind that you shouldn’t use these formulas too often because of the risk of scratching your tooth enamel.