
HIFU: Tightens the skin of the face and neck in just one hour

Ultra Sound to tighten the lower face and neck area and define the jaws

Dr. Roy explains that the uses of “Ultra Sound” or “HIFU” ultrasound technology were medical in the field of imaging the human body. It was used to detect the fetus during pregnancy, angiography, etc. But after that, the effect of these ultrasound waves on the breakdown of fat was discovered, so doctors began working on developing them until they were able to perform a face-lift using a device equipped with ultrasound waves.

This technique is a great alternative for women who fear surgical procedures or want to get tighter skin in a short time.


How it works:

“Ultra Sound” is characterized by the accuracy of the ultrasound device in viewing the tissues under the skin. It is a device with multiple thermal outlets, in addition to a television screen that enables the doctor to see the location of the tissue that needs to be controlled.

This endoscopic technique relies on heating temperatures in the subcutaneous tissue, specifically on a thin layer located above the muscle layer to which all facial tissues are attached. Pass over the skin of the face, neck, and the areas that want to be lifted and tightened. The ultrasound waves penetrate deep into the skin to activate the inner layer and stimulate it to build new collagen tissue, which in turn tightens and lifts the skin. Thus, it shrinks the skin and makes it appear firmer and younger.


Obvious effectiveness:

Dr. Roy says about the effectiveness of this technique, it may vary depending on the type and condition of the skin. There are those who suffer from slight and moderate sagging. One session takes between 45 and 60 minutes, and the results appear completely after 2 or 3 months. This technique works to build the skin from the inside, as collagen restoration requires some time. The patient may see the freshness and difference in her skin after each session. But in general, this technique is very effective; A woman undergoing this treatment can notice the difference from one session to the final result after three months from the end of the session. She can also undergo another session, but after 6 months or a year from the end of the first session.


Its uses and side effects:

Ultrasound technology is used to treat wrinkles with extreme precision, in addition to its ability to tighten sagging cheeks and lower face in an attractive and effective way, and dissolve fat in the double neck, in addition to defining the lower jaw and raising the cheeks, without any side effects other than very minor pain that can be tolerated. . The “Ultra Sound” technology saves women from surgical operations that require complete anesthesia and a recovery period of several days in the hospital as well. Once the patient undergoes the session, she can leave the clinic directly without any obstacles or bruises, except for a slight skin redness that disappears after several hours. She may not need to stay at home, as she can start working. All she needs is sunscreen if she sits in the morning.

This technique is suitable for women between the ages of 35-55 years.


Its advantages:

Anyone who resorts to the rapid facelift technique feels fresh, beautiful, and rejuvenated in her skin, making her look several years younger. The effect of this technique may take three years, if the woman follows some exercises to tighten the skin, moisturize it, and remove makeup from it daily, in addition to a healthy diet that provides the skin with vitamins, and drinking sufficient water that maintains the skin’s freshness and level of hydration.

Dr. Roy explains that all of these cosmetic and non-surgical treatments are approved by the US Food and Drug Administration and the European Union.

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