Madam, what are the steps that you follow before using hair removal methods? Have you ever thought about the importance of these steps? Here are the correct steps to do so: >
1- Cut the hair if it is long with scissors and a comb or an electric razor.>
2- Ensure that there are no cuts or burns on the skin.
3- Warm the skin and prepare it for hair removal by taking a warm shower for 10 to 15 minutes because it helps to relax the follicle.>
> hair
>4- Sterilize the skin and tools using Dettol wipes, for example, or any other sterilizer you prefer>
5- Not removing hair during the menstrual cycle
6- After finishing, you should take a cold shower to close the pores
7- Using a moisturizing cream or oil and not using any soaps or shower gels
> You will notice a big difference in the results if you follow the above steps carefully and carefully.