Health benefits of a mixture of turmeric and black pepper

Have you heard about the benefits of a mixture of turmeric and black pepper for your health? It is really a very special mixture for your health. Historians from all over the world have provided evidence that all primitive peoples used herbs in a sophisticated manner. The quinine in cinchona bark was used to treat symptoms of malaria long before the disease was discovered, and the raw material used in the famous aspirin tablets had been popular for use as a pain reliever for longer than we needed to get to the drug-making machinery. In fact, many of the types of medicine that exist now include a prototype of a natural product that was discovered by studying the traditional remedies of indigenous peoples.

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Turmeric and black pepper

Benefits of a mixture of turmeric and black pepper

There is a plant in South Asia called Adhatuda, and its name comes from Ado, which means goat, and Toda, which means “do not touch,” and this is because it is so bitter that goats will not eat it. Although it contains compounds that help open the airway, it has traditionally been used to treat asthma, in which the leaves are infused with black pepper. And they leave the leaves soaked with black pepper because they are smart. Back in 1928, scientists discovered that by adding black pepper the asthma-curing properties of the leaves were increased. Black pepper alone does not work, you have to mix them together, and now we know why.

  • The active compound “curcumin” represents about 5% of the composition of turmeric  , and about 5% of black pepper  consists of a compound called piperine. Curcumin is responsible for the yellow color of turmeric, while piperine is responsible for the pungent flavor of peppers. Piperine inhibits drug metabolism. We know that the liver converts foreign substances into water-soluble substances so that they can be easily eliminated, but piperine in black pepper prevents this process.

If you give people some of the curcumin in turmeric, even a small amount of it will remain in the bloodstream within an hour. There are not large amounts because the liver is trying to get rid of it. But what if this process was controlled by taking a quarter of a teaspoon of black pepper? You will notice an increase in the amount of curcumin in the blood. Even with the same amount of curcumin used before, its bioavailability in the body will increase by 2000%. And using a very small amount of black pepper, which greatly enhances the level of curcumin. All you have to know is that the ingredient in curry powder in addition to turmeric is black pepper.

Another way to increase the absorption of curcumin is to take it inside food. Eat turmeric root (fresh or dried as a powder) because the natural oils present in turmeric root or turmeric powder can enhance the bioavailability of curcumin by 7-8 times the normal percentage. When you take turmeric with In fats, curcumin can then be absorbed directly into the bloodstream via the lymphatic system, thus bypassing the liver.

A simple recipe for making curry powder at home (rich in black pepper and turmeric

Store-bought curry powders often contain relatively little turmeric (and very little curcumin). Also, it has a spicy and sharp flavor due to the hot pepper that is used in place of black pepper. So if you want to get the wonderful benefits of curcumin, you can use a homemade curry powder that is enriched with turmeric and black pepper. Here is a simple recipe for a homemade curry powder mix, which provides plenty of curcumin and piperine:

the components:

  • 2 tablespoons of ground coriander.
  • 2 tablespoons of ground cumin.
  • 1 tablespoon of pure turmeric powder.
  • 1 teaspoon of ground black pepper.
  • 1/2 teaspoon of mustard seeds.
  • 1/2 teaspoon of ground ginger.
  • Have you heard about turmeric milk and its benefits ?


Mix all ingredients together by stirring them in a small bowl. Store homemade curry powder in an airtight container.

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