Habits and behaviors that harm health and the brain

There are habits that some people see as having little effect, so they do them unconsciously, not knowing that they are harming themselves, but rather leading them to the abyss. Among these wrong habits and behaviors are…


1) Not eating breakfast.

People who do not eat breakfast will have a low blood sugar level. This leads to insufficient food reaching the brain cells, which leads to their degeneration…


2) Eating excessively.

Excessive eating causes hardening of the brain’s arteries, which leads to a lack of mental strength…


3) Smoking..

Smoking causes shrinkage of brain cells and may lead to Alzheimer’s disease…


4) Excessive intake of sugars.

Eating too much sugar hinders the brain’s absorption of proteins and food, which causes malnutrition of the brain and may interfere with the brain…


5) Air pollution..

The brain is the largest consumer of oxygen in our bodies. Inhaling polluted air reduces the brain’s supply of oxygen, which reduces the efficiency of the brain…


6) Insomnia (lack of sleep)

Sleep helps the brain rest. Excessive insomnia increases the speed of brain cell death…


7) Covering the head while sleeping.

Sleeping with your head covered increases the concentration of carbon dioxide and reduces the concentration of oxygen, which leads to negative effects on the brain…

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