Get spotless clean skin in no time

The skin is exposed to several factors that make it appear in a darker color and cause many embarrassing situations for many girls and make them look for some recipes that work to whiten the skin, where we can use the recipe of starch with medical Vaseline that whitens the skin as well as works to get rid of the problem of dark skin naturally and safely Absolutely, a bomb recipe in giving the skin a bright whiteness.


For the recipe, you will need three tablespoons of lemon juice, two teaspoons of banana juice, two teaspoons of gelatin, three tablespoons of powdered milk, three tablespoons of glycerine, three teaspoons of avocado oil, three tablespoons of starch, two tablespoons Great size oatmeal.

First, the skin is cleaned well with warm water to remove any dust and remove any makeup, if any, then we prepare a suitable container, then put lemon juice, banana juice, gelatin and powdered milk in it, then mix well, and then add the rest of the ingredients to the previous mixture of avocado oil, starch and flour Oatmeal, then all these ingredients are mixed with each other until we have the apple mixture ready.


Then we start distributing the bleaching mixture on the skin well and leave it for half an hour, and after the period ends, we wash and clean the face with cold water, and repeat the recipe three times a week, and after that we notice the terrible difference of ten degrees in whitening dark skin using this terrible recipe that we presented.



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