
For white and shiny teeth like celebrities

For white and shiny teeth, there are many solutions that you can apply and follow, madam, away from artificial whitening and its problems that appear later, as there are many alternative solutions that natural recipes are one of them, especially since white teeth have become an aesthetic fashion that everyone is turning to, whether Men or women, with a desire to have a distinctive and elegant smile that increases the look a kind of attractiveness that everyone is looking for.


It is preferable if the result is immediate in obtaining the desired smile, for this reason, we suggest to you, Madam, through your favorite magazine, “The Arab Women’s Magazine”, a set of simple natural recipes that you can adopt and whose ingredients are available to you at home, as they will not cost you much and will not struggle to find them, do not hesitate In its experience, it is pre-tried and guaranteed with a very effective and immediate result.


Use the rice recipe for white and shiny teeth:


rice recipe


Madam, you can try the rice recipe for white and shiny teeth, without thinking much. It is up to the woman or the man, for the beauty of the teeth and their whiteness is very important, and it should never be overlooked.


All you will need for this recipe is: a spoon of ground rice and a spoon of lemon juice, then mix the two ingredients together and then take a little on a toothbrush and rub your teeth well with the mixture for 30 minutes, then wash your teeth with water and you will see the result that you will get from the first time


Use eggshells for white and shiny teeth:




Madam, get an ideal result for white and shiny teeth without the need for artificial whitening or going to the doctor. Just adopt this recipe that we offer to you, which we chose for you on a prior experience, and it does not need a lot of ingredients or time, and it is tried and guaranteed that will achieve the result you want In it, without any trouble or difficulty, just try it and do not hesitate.


In this recipe, you will need a spoon of ground eggshells and a little toothpaste. Then mix the two ingredients well until they are homogeneous. Then take an amount in a toothbrush, then rub it on your teeth for two minutes, then rinse. You will see the result from the first use. You can repeat the recipe whenever you notice that your teeth change color or Lime is deposited in it.





Try this lentils recipe for white and shiny teeth:


lentil mixture


Many people suffer from the problem of yellowing of the teeth, which is the result of many reasons, such as genetic factors, excessive consumption of industrial drinks, neglect of cleaning and caring for them, or smoking, and this problem causes discomfort and embarrassment in front of others, and we will mention to you the ideal recipe that will rid you of problems the teeth .

All you will need in this recipe for white and shiny teeth is a tablespoon of charred black lentils powder a teaspoon of salt, then put the lentils in a pan over the fire until charred, grind it until we get a soft powder, mix it with salt, then put a little on the toothbrush and rub it for two minutes With repeating the process, we will get a satisfactory result and white teeth


Use olive kernel to whiten teeth:


For white and shiny teeth and for a bright white and beautiful smile is one of the things that women and men desire together, and getting it is not impossible without the need for a doctor, bleaching or other chemicals. Just adopt simple and natural ingredients to get teeth like pearls. Here we suggest you a mighty recipe to eliminate Yellowing of the teeth from the first time.

You will need a spoon of salt, a spoon of natural honey and a spoon of lemon juice. The important ingredient is the roasted and crushed olive kernel. Then, my lady, grind the black olive kernel after roasting in the oven and add the rest of the ingredients to it, then take a little of the mixture on the toothbrush and rub your teeth well for two minutes after that. Rinse with water and you will see the tremendous result from the first time.


Important tip:

Since the aesthetics of the smile is one of the important things in our lives, this prompts us to maintain the aesthetics of the teeth and maintain their health as well, so it is very necessary to clean it after every meal, or at least when waking up and before bed, and taking good care of it when seeing a defect in it or decay. It should not be neglected, but you should consult a doctor to treat the problem, and adopt tried and guaranteed natural recipes to always enjoy a wonderful smile and white and shiny teeth.

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