For strong, long and anti-breakage nails

For strong and long nails, my lady, do not hesitate to adopt the distinctive natural solutions that give you this advantage, and make your nails attractive, soft and very feminine, especially since the beauty of nails increases the beauty and elegance of the hands and makes them wonderful and very feminine, and this will give you what you dream of away from artificial nails Which you can dispense with permanently and without needing it again, especially since the beauty of the nails will be achieved without the need for a lot of expenses or costs.


you can, dear reader, find the solution that will help you make your nails strong, long and against breakage in a short period of time, and without the need for chemicals, just apply these natural ingredients and the mentioned steps so that you can reach a distinctive result in no time. Standard, thus enjoying a special and exquisite aesthetic in your nails that will increase you ultra-feminine and classy.


For strong and long nails, use a mixture of oils:


Use a mixture of oils


Strong and healthy nails are one of the most important features of femininity, but often some damage may occur due to the use of some preparations, such as becoming yellow, or becoming prone to breakage, but these damages can be avoided by strengthening the nails with simple ingredients found in every home Including this suggested recipe that works well for strong, long and anti-breakage nails.


Madam, you can mix an amount of castor oil, olive oil and garlic oil and soak your nails in it for 10 minutes, then put a little garlic puree on your nails, wrap the wound with gauze and leave it for 30 minutes, then rinse and repeat the recipe every day for a week. You will see the tremendous result that you will get. .


For strong and long nails, use a powerful mixture:


Use garlic oil


Make your lady long, strong and distinctive nails that increase the aesthetics of your hands and feminine softness that you love to increase you sophistication and perfect elegance, without the need for artificial nails that usually make you unable to do a set of things, especially housework. Strong, long and highly aesthetic.


You will need a spoon of sesame oil, a spoon of garlic oil, a spoon of castor oil and a spoon of olive oil, then mix the oils well and then take a few of them and apply it to your nails and cover them with a plastic piece and leave it for 45 minutes and then rinse Repeat the recipe every day before bedtime and it will not pass for 15 days until You will find that your nails have become distinctive, strong and long.


For strong and long nails try clove oil:


Use of clove oil


Clove oil is an essential oil, and it is extracted from clove trees, native to Southeast Asia. Clove oil is produced by distilling dried flower buds collected from the clove tree. Clove oil has many health benefits, in addition to its effectiveness in improving skin health. This is why we offer you the way to use clove oil for strong and long nails.


Madam, you can mix a tablespoon of clove oil with a cup of warm water well, then soak your nails in it for 15 minutes, then dry them, and repeat the process every day for 10 days. You will see the difference, as the nails will become strong, cohesive and beautiful.


Use almond oil recipe to strengthen nails:


Use of almond oil


Long and strong nails are one of the most important indicators of a person’s enjoyment of good health, as for women, they are a sign of hand beauty, as they give them a tyrannical femininity, so once you notice the nails split or turn pale yellow due to the excessive use of nail coloring products And malnutrition or infection with some diseases and other factors, and whatever the reason for weakening or yellowing nails, we will show you the best recipe for strong and long nails.


Bring a small piece of cotton and dip it in a little almond oil, massage your nails and the surrounding skin using the piece moistened with almond oil, before going to sleep. Three times a week to get strong nails within a short period of time.


Important tip:


Madam, you can try one of these natural recipes that we suggest to you, which have been previously tried and gave very ideal results, for many women, and they are very excellent recipes, and they do not cost much, but if dear reader wants to get an ideal and quick result, do not hesitate to apply the recipe Be careful and also be patient and persevere with it for perfect results.

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