
Foods rich in vitamin B3

Foods rich in vitamin B3

Vitamin B3


Vitamin B3 or niacin is used by the body to convert food into energy. It maintains the health of the nervous system and digestive system, and maintains the health and freshness of the skin. People get it from foods rich in vitamin B3, because the body cannot produce this vitamin, and this vitamin helps control cholesterol. In the blood, the recommended daily amount for adult males is 16 milligrams, and 14 milligrams for non-pregnant women.


Foods rich in vitamin B3


Niacin is an essential nutrient that the body cannot produce. This vitamin is considered a water-soluble vitamin, and the body cannot store it, so it must be obtained from food and consumed regularly. Foods rich in it include:


Liver: One of the best sources of foods rich in vitamin B3. Liver also contains protein, iron, choline, and vitamin A.


Chicken breast: Chicken breast is rich in this vitamin.


Tuna: It is considered a good choice for people who do not eat meat and eat fish. Eating one meal a week of tuna fish is sufficient to obtain this vitamin.


Turkey: Turkey contains smaller amounts of this vitamin, but it contains tryptophan, which the body can convert into this vitamin.


Salmon: Salmon contains niacin, and this type of fish is considered rich in omega-3, which protects the body from immune disorders, and also protects it from heart disease.


Anchovies: Canned anchovies contain selenium, which reduces the incidence of cancer, especially breast cancer, lung cancer, esophageal cancer, stomach cancer, and prostate cancer. This fish also contains vitamin B3.


Beef: Beef is rich in this vitamin, and is also rich in protein, iron, vitamin B12, selenium and zinc.


Peanuts: It is one of the most important plant sources, and is an option for vegetarians. It contains protein, unsaturated fats, vitamin E, vitamin B6, magnesium, and manganese.


Avocado: It is considered a food rich in vitamin B3, and also contains fiber, healthy fats, and many vitamins and minerals.


Brown rice: Cooked brown rice is an important source of niacin, and is rich in fiber, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, and selenium.


Whole wheat products: pasta and bran bread are important sources of niacin.


Mushrooms: They are one of the best sources of vegetables rich in vitamin B3.


Green peas: It is a rich vegetable source of this vitamin.


Potatoes: White potatoes and sweet potatoes are rich in this vitamin.


Fortified foods: Fortified foods such as refined breakfast cereals, white bread and pasta are rich in vitamin B3.


Causes of vitamin B3 deficiency


A deficiency of vitamin B3 in the body leads to problems in various body systems, such as the nervous system and the digestive system. There are two types of deficiency of this vitamin, each of which has its own causes. Each type and its causes will be reviewed, as follows:


Primary vitamin B3 deficiency: This type occurs when people do not eat food that contains it or when there are problems that affect its absorption.


Secondary vitamin B3 deficiency: This type occurs when diarrhea occurs, liver disease, or when drinking alcohol, and it is the most common cause

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