
First aid principles and practice

First aid principles and practice

First aid principles and practice



First aid is the first assistance or treatment provided to a person suffering from any sudden injury or illness before the arrival of the ambulance or a member of the medical team. In these circumstances, it may be necessary to improvise a method of first aid using the available tools and materials.


Objectives of first aid


First aid is provided to the injured person in order to:


– Preserving his life

– Avoid deterioration of his condition

– Help him recover


Responsibility of the first aider:


Given the frequency and seriousness of many accidents, the role of the first aid is of great importance.

While treating the injury, your responsibility as a first aid is limited to the following:


– Assess the situation without putting yourself in danger

– Determine the type of disease or condition that the injured person suffers from. That is, the diagnosis

– Providing appropriate immediate treatment, knowing that the injured person may suffer from more than one injury, and that some injured people may need quicker care than others.

– Work, without delay, to transfer the injured person to a doctor’s office, hospital, or home, as required by the seriousness of his condition.


Your responsibility ends when you hand the injured person over to a doctor, nurse, or any other appropriate person. You should not leave the place until you have provided information to the person in charge, and after you have verified whether you can provide further assistance.





Medical ambulance: means treatment provided by a doctor in the hospital or performing surgery or treatment at the scene of the accident.


First Aider: A term given to any person who has obtained a certificate from an authorized training body indicating that the holder is qualified to provide first aid. This term was first used by voluntary first aid organizations in 1894

First aid certificates are granted by an official first aid body to people who have followed theoretical and practical courses of study and passed the examination supervised by a specialized body. The certificate awarded is valid for only 3 years, ensuring that first responders:

– Trained to a high standard

– They take the exam regularly

– They update their information and skills

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