
Face Whitening Skin Mask with Rice And Tomato  

Face Whitening Skin Mask with Rice And Tomato  

Face Whitening Skin Mask with Rice And Tomato






1 Tomato


1 Dessert Spoon Rice Flour


Preparation and implementation:


Peel the skins of the tomatoes, cut them into a few pieces and place them in a small bowl.


Crush the tomato with the help of a blender and extract the juice.


Strain the tomato juice.


Gradually add rice flour to the tomato juice obtained without pulp and mix.


Let the mixture reach paste consistency.


Apply the mixture on your face, avoiding the eye area.


Wait 20 minutes.


Wash off with plenty of lukewarm water.


Dry with a paper towel.




You can apply this mask, which brightens the skin tone, every day. If you say you can’t do it every day, you can apply it 2-3 times a week at regular intervals.


The ingredients in tomatoes can cause allergies in some people. Therefore, in case of any redness and swelling after applying the mask, wash your skin immediately. You can try a skin whitening mask from our other mask recipes.


If you use large tomatoes in the materials to be used in the mask, the amount specified for rice flour may not be enough. The mask should have a paste or cream consistency. You can add rice flour if necessary.


At the same time, this mask will prevent the formation of acne on the skin.

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