
Every age has its own beauty rituals. Get to know them!

Every age has its own beauty rituals. Get to know them!

It is true that skin care products are many and varied, but a woman should choose the appropriate product for her and deal with the skin according to her needs, nature, and age.


At the age of thirty, a woman seeks to fight the first wrinkles.

At the age of forty, she tries to keep her skin soft and firm.

At the age of fifty, she tries to say no to dryness, and strives with all her might to maintain the density of the skin and the clarity of the facial features.



Daily care: The skin must be oxygenated and carefully cleansed every morning and evening with a suitable makeup remover, to remove all makeup residues and pollution.


Moisturizing: It is not possible to have fresh and plump skin unless it is sufficiently moisturized. Therefore, it is necessary to moisturize the skin well every night before going to sleep. It is recommended to use a rich and thick formula because the skin renews at night and absorbs all the nourishing ingredients from the night cream.


Weekly care: Masks and exfoliation are allies of beautiful skin, regardless of a woman’s age. These two rituals give it freshness by removing dead cells, suppressing the production of excess sebum, and tightening the pores.

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