Estrogen: How Does It Affect Your Skin, Shape, and Mind?

There is a lot to know about estrogen: its influence on the level of collagen, why it causes health problems and why drinking wine could hurt your breasts?

This hormone is an integral part of a woman’s life, but many of us know little about it, other than the fact that its levels drop during pre-menopause and that it can cause painful periods. Otherwise, the pros and cons of estrogen, as well as their role, can be confusing and mysterious. This is not very surprising given that scientists themselves have not fully understood the complex workings of estrogen, nor why its fluctuations affect women in such different ways.

For starters, estrogen isn’t made up of just one thing – it’s a group of hormones that include estriol, estradiol, and estrone. A hell of a bunch of girls!

Estrone remains present at a certain rate after menopause, estriol only manifests during pregnancy and estradiol is the grand master of ceremonies: it is the female hormone responsible for physical and emotional changes. during puberty, and its function extends well beyond.

Here are some explanations on estrogen, accompanied by details provided by Dr Sohère Roked, general practitioner and specialist in bio-identical hormones.

“Women are always worried about estrogen because it is an important hormone – not just for egg production but also for overall health and well-being. Good estrogen levels can give you an energetic and invigorating boost, help you maintain beautiful hair, supple skin, and make you feel better. “


Our ovaries first release estrogen at the onset of puberty, and from there, estrogen levels vary with our menstrual cycle until we reach pre-menopause. Estrogen levels then become very unstable, and eventually at menopause they drop significantly (the average age to reach menopause is 51). Aside from this rough roadmap, our estrogen fluctuates every minute, hour and day, with irregular hormonal secretions during the day and night. In addition to these seemingly random spikes and dips, every woman’s basic “norm” can be quite different. For example, you are having the same cycle as your best friend, but that doesn’t mean your estrogen levels are the same. In fact, from this point of view,life is one like a roller coaster, just hang on!


In people 20 to 30 years old, the most common problem is estrogen predominance, which means you don’t have enough hormonal progesterone to balance your estrogen levels. This can lead to hot flashes and feeling tired, as well as heavy periods. It can also lead to diseases like fibroids and endometriosis. “

See your doctor if you suspect your estrogen levels are high, and Dr. Roked reports that for some of his patients, evening primrose oil or agnus castus supplements taken late in the cycle may be helpful. Once rebalanced, estrogen is beneficial and helps the body to function properly.


Dr. Roked explains why estrogen is great for your heart:

In women, the risk of heart disease is lower before menopause, which is in part attributed to higher estrogen levels. For example, a study carried out in Denmark and published in the British Medical Journal in 2012 focused on 1,006 women. The hormone replacement group had fewer heart failure and heart attacks than the group that did not take hormones.

According to the British Dietetic Association, hormone replacement is one of the most effective treatments currently available for treating menopausal symptoms, increasing your estrogen levels, and therefore strengthening cardiovascular health after menopause.

“A decrease in estrogen increases the risk of heart disease, with cholesterol rising by up to 25%. Eating two servings of soy foods per day can help lower cholesterol levels and reduce the frequency of hot flashes during menopause. “


With the Dream Team of Vitamin D, Calcium and Estrogen, you can maintain strong bones for life. Estrogen helps the body restore deficiencies and regenerate bone. This process slows down over the years as estrogen levels naturally decline with age, as Dr. Roked points out:

“After menopause, women are at risk for osteoporosis due to low hormone levels – low estrogen levels can contribute to weak bones. “


According to a study published last year in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports and Exercise, high levels of estrogen in the body can increase the risk of ligament damage during workouts. If you are particularly fragile, hormonal contraceptives can help restore balance and reduce the risk of muscle injury.


Continuing on the topic of fitness, athletes with a low percentage of body fat often also have low levels of estrogen, as fat helps the body regulate estrogen (overweight and obese women usually have very high levels of estrogen, which in turn poses health problems such as increased risk of breast cancer). It is especially important to monitor estrogen levels in this case, as the risk of early osteoporosis and bone fracture is high. The same goes for patients with eating disorders with low body weight.


Alcohol can raise estrogen levels, which may be the reason some women complain of breast pain after a drunken night out. Excessive alcohol consumption too frequently can lead to an unusual increase in estrogen levels, and therefore the risk of breast cancer.


So much so that researchers still don’t understand the implication of estrogen on your mood – we know it can cause a sudden surge in serotonin, a neurotransmitter that alleviates depression and increases endorphins, hence the reason. where when estrogen levels drop after ovulation, you may feel bad. It also explains why one in seven women suffers from the baby blues, as estrogen levels drop dramatically after being high enough during pregnancy. All of this data explains why postmenopausal women tend to be in a bad mood. However, a large number of women report that their psychological and emotional well-being improves after menopause, despite the absence of estrogen.


This process does not work the same for all women, but logically estrogen has to do with collagen. Dr. Roked highlights the link between the skin and the female hormone:

“The lack of estrogen reduces the production of collagen, which means the skin can appear thinner and wrinkles more visible. “

You may also notice that the skin on your face and body becomes drier during pre-menopause. Apply moisturizer more regularly to the skin and remember that this inconvenience goes hand in hand with vaginal dryness. It doesn’t happen to all women, but lube is your new friend. The variations in estrogen levels are an excellent excuse to take good care of your face, and your body, do not hesitate to use moisturizers and regenerants: beauty has no age

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