
Egg hair protein recipe to nourish hair and treat its problems

Egg hair protein recipe to nourish hair and treat its problems

You hear a lot about hair protein and say what is the relationship between hair protein and eggs? You may feel that the title carries a trick, but there is no trick there. With just two eggs and a little olive oil, you will be able to prepare a hair protein that nourishes and promotes hair growth, and a mask for your face that restores freshness and vitality.

Prepare hair protein with eggs



  • Yolk of two eggs Hair needs protein, and egg yolk is one of the most important sources of protein.

The benefits of egg yolk for hair are as follows:

  1. It contains substances that strengthen hair follicles, increasing the strength of hair roots.
  2. It contains fatty acids that maintain hair color and delay the appearance of graying.
  3. Good hair nourisher
  4. Treats hair loss.
  • Two tablespoons of organic olive oil Olive oil contains nutrients for hair, and it also contains antioxidants that prevent the appearance of gray hair.

How to prepare hair protein with egg yolk

  1. Beat the two egg yolks with a hand mixer or fork until they turn into a thick mixture.
  2. Add two tablespoons of olive oil to the egg yolk.
  3. Beat eggs and oil well until they turn into a creamy mixture.
  4. Then the protein is ready for use.

Use of hair protein:

  1. Hair is washed well with shampoo.
  2. The protein is applied to wet hair.
  3. At first, the protein is placed on the scalp and massaged well, then it is applied to the entire hair after that.
  4. The hair is wrapped with a hat or towel.
  5. The protein remains on the hair for 20 minutes.
  6. The hair is washed well with cold water only, and then washed again with shampoo.
  7. It is recommended to use protein once or twice a week.


The smell of protein is unpalatable, but its wonderful effect on hair may help you tolerate the smell

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