
easy lip enlargement exercises

easy lip enlargement exercises

As we age, our faces lose muscle tone and blood circulation, making the lips appear thinner. There are no non-surgical miracle cures for plump lips . But exercises can tighten the muscles around your mouth and increase blood flow to your face. This in turn stimulates the production of collagen, which is a natural plumper for your lips.

Lip augmentation exercises :

lip augmentation


Smile and Kiss Smile
as wide as possible, keeping your mouth closed and lips gently pressed together. Hold the smile for five seconds and then curl your lips as if you are about to kiss someone. Hold for another five seconds, relax and repeat the entire exercise 10 times.
Closed mouth smile
Lift the corners of your mouth with exercises to prevent sagging. Bend your lips over your teeth so that you can only see the outside of the lips. Then lift the corners of your mouth with a smile and hold for a few seconds. Relax and repeat the exercise 10 times. As you get stronger, increase the number of repetitions you do.
Lip pressure with resistance
Press your lips together firmly to form an almost straight line. Imagine that something is trying to open your mouth and work against that imaginary resistance to keep your lips as tight as possible. Place your middle fingers in the corner of your mouth and gently pull to add extra resistance and prevent wrinkles on your lips during this position. Hold for five seconds, relax and repeat 10 times.
Lip circles
Keeping your mouth closed and curling your lips slightly, slowly move your lips to the right and continue, then to the left and continue. Next, try to move them into a figure eight, first in one direction, then in the opposite direction. Repeat this series of movements 10 times.

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