
Do people get botox too early Here is the ideal age to start Botox,

Do people get botox too early Here is the ideal age to start Botox,

Dermatologists have answered the question that most people have in mind. When is Botox done? At what age should I start getting Botox? Here is one of the main questions in the mind dermatologists answered…

Perhaps the most common, if you are interested, are questions about age that are best suited to starting injections. Some believe that when a person’s skin begins to sag, it is too late for botox to work properly. Others are “preventive botoxhe assumes that he is a legend.

When to start Botox?

Ansell said, “There is not a single age to start boxing. “Depend on the person. In particular, when you start to see lines scraped while still – that is, when you don’t lift your forehead or smile, they’re there even when you’re just looking in front of them – it’s time to think about starting a light botox.”

Motykie has a similar view. “The ideal age to start boxing is when you start showing signs of aging” he said. “This is usually the end of the 30’s and the beginning of the 40’s” he said.

“I tell my patients to take care of their relatives” Ansell said, “If these adults in their 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s have a lot of sun damage or wrinkles, this can happen to you, too. There are a lot of genetic factors involved here, so knowing what your skin type is can help you.”

Miami-based plastic surgeon Dr. Carlos Wolf said, “The most important thing you can tell someone about wrinkles and aging is to avoid the sun. “Use “sunscreen, antioxidants and hyaluronic acid to moisturize the skin. You have to be careful because the sun makes you look older.”

Should Botox be done at a young age?

Motykie said, “We are seeing a trend in which potential botox patients are getting younger and I am not a big fan of it. “Traditionally, the majority of those interested were in their 40’s and 50’s as they began to show signs of aging, but now it is becoming more common in younger ages”. “There are many factors that contribute to this trend, especially our dependence on social media and everything visual. We care so much about photographs and the look of things that it is natural that we turn the lens on ourselves. After all, we are the subjects of our own selfies” he said.

As medical experts have pointed out, in the early 20’s, it may not be a smart idea to get Botox at a time when wrinkles are rare.

Ansell said, “If someone has no lines or wrinkles, has healthy skin, and is in their mid-20’s, I don’t think it’s worth botox. While some dermatologists say that freezing the muscles at a relatively early age can prevent the formation of deep lines, Wolf opposes this view.  Also, injecting too many toxins into your face may not be a good idea, which can happen if you start early. “I don’t think there are any negative effects of starting early” he said.

It is clear that Botox is much more than correcting wrinkles, which makes the age of starting the injection much more important.

What can you do to avoid needing Botox?

According to experts, the best way to delay the appearance of wrinkles and the need for potential botox is proper skin care. Motykie is praised for avoiding the sun and using sunscreen, as well as for microneedling. Also called collagen induction therapy, this procedure basically requires the skin to be pierced repeatedly with small needles. According to the Cleveland Clinic, this procedure “will help reduce the appearance of skin problems such as acne scars, stretch marks or wrinkles.”

Motykie explained, “The skin becomes thinner as we get older, so wrinkles are not just caused by muscle movements, but by thinning of the skin. “Microneedling alone can help thicken your skin and therefore prevent these wrinkles from forming, and I think at a younger age this will be a more preferable method than starting with botox right away.”

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