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Do it yourself white line removal mask and see the difference soon - Care Beauty

Do it yourself white line removal mask and see the difference soon

Do it yourself white line removal mask Some women develop white lines all over the body for a variety of reasons, including pregnancy, puberty, being overweight, genetic factors, or health problems such as Cushing’s syndrome, which can be removed using natural formulas to remove them, By following our guide on the simple steps reviewed in this article, you will have important information on solving this problem, so stay tuned.


What are the white lines?


Before looking for a DIY mask to remove white lines, it is worth knowing whether it is a serious health problem or not, and should it be treated as soon as possible? Or is it normal and not worth it?


The white lines that may sometimes appear shiny silver, is the opposite of the nature of the skin, and it is a skin phenomenon that occurs on different parts of the body, most notably the abdomen, sides, thigh and buttocks, but this does not prevent it from appearing anywhere else on the skin.


The skin consists of three main layers, lined with a thick layer of fat, which are responsible for giving the skin its shape and strength.


White lines appear due to rapid changes in body size, which means that the change is greater than the elasticity of the skin, faster than its ability to regenerate, and create new cells that support already existing cells and tissues, and there are some lines in which the skin is transparent.


At first, the lines are red, but over time they turn white or silver, when you wipe it with your fingers, you will feel that its texture and height are different from the surrounding skin, this phenomenon is not dangerous, and does not pose any health risks, it is 100% healthy and natural for all people Therefore, the treatment of white lines is purely cosmetic.


How do I get rid of white lines


The first thing to note is that the white streaks start out as red or purple streaks, and then turn white as time passes on them, direct sunlight will only make the white streaks worse, if you want to swim or relax, you should wear clothes that cover these Regions.


When looking for a homemade mask to remove white lines, you should pay attention to medical products that say that the lines can be removed because they are financially expensive and do not achieve the desired as expected.


They should see a dermatologist or plastic surgeon, as they undergo a variety of treatments, including surgery or the use of lasers, the natural ones I’ll mention later.


Reasons for the appearance of white lines


The main idea of ​​the appearance of white lines is to stretch the skin in a short period of time, and before we use the mask to remove white lines, we must follow the situation and development that occurs almost every day around us, we find that it is limited to the following factors and causes:


During puberty: hormones explode in the body and cause noticeable and rapid changes in the body, and strong growth in the short term, whether it is storing fat in certain parts of the body for women, or muscle growth and amplification in men. During pregnancy: abnormally rapid growth occurs The pregnant belly, not only the fetus, but the entire uterus, which increases in size in unimaginable ways, including the baby and the placenta, and the means to protect and nourish it. Sudden changes in weight: such as weight gain, which increases suddenly during a short period of time, which can cause Muscle hypertrophy: in a short period of time due to weight lifting, protein intake and nutritional supplements, which help gain muscle quickly. There are health concerns, especially the adrenal glands, which we found They play an important role in controlling skin elasticity, decreasing skin elasticity, whenever a high amount of cortisone is produced. In general, cortisone can have an indescribable negative effect on skin elasticity, so products containing cortisone should only be taken under supervision. the doctor , and sometimes using them can cause white streaks to appear.

Do-it-yourself white streak removal mask



Some people prefer to use natural formulations to treat this problem, as it is an economical option at home without the associated side effects.


So the question that often arises is can white lines on the body be treated naturally? As there are many effective natural formulations, which can eliminate white lines and significantly reduce their effects, here are the most important ones:

Sugar and Coconut Oil Scrub to Treat White Lines


Sugar is a natural exfoliator for the skin, as it helps to exfoliate dead skin, stimulate collagen production, which rejuvenates the skin, removes white lines, and consists of the following ingredients:


A cup of sugar 1/4 cup of coconut oil A teaspoon of lemon juice Method of preparation Mix the ingredients well While taking a shower, wipe the affected area with the white lines with the mixture several times a week. Use the scrub for 5-8 minutes at a time. Aloe vera gel


Aloe vera gel moisturizes and softens the skin, and it is a homemade mask to remove white lines, as it can treat many skin problems, and some studies have proven its effectiveness in treating stretch marks, and you can apply the raw gel to white lines daily, to get the best results.


How can white lines in the breast be treated?


Many female exposure factors can cause the appearance of white lines in the breast, so many people are looking for how to treat white lines in the breast, and this problem can be treated in several ways, including:

Home remedies such as massage, peeling masks and some creams to treat scars and white lines. Laser is used as an effective treatment to get rid of white lines in the breast. Use acid peeling to exfoliate the skin. Avoid white lines on the body.


Prevention is better than cure, and if you are afraid of encountering white lines, you can be as careful as possible to avoid them in the first place, and this is through some of the following tips:


Maintain a healthy and ideal weight, and avoid sudden physical changes Use the moisturizers and creams prescribed for this purpose, on the advice of your doctor, before pregnancy problems arise, and of course to ensure that the products used are safe. Eat a healthy mix of vegetables and protein on a regular basis, and drink plenty of water, because that It will increase the flexibility of your body, and its ability to change without problems and complications, and without leaving marks.Treatment of white lines in the body with a laser


Laser is one of the most famous methods of modern medicine to treat many problems, especially dermatological and cosmetic, because its light is able to penetrate the skin without causing any damage or burns, and this when used by professionals, and it contains elastin.

The laser, which is known as the fractional, is considered a faster alternative than the mask to remove white lines, and it is the most effective way to treat white lines, because its light is collected and focused on a specific point, causing the effect to focus on it, and not affecting any other point around it.


Treating white lines with derma roller


The derma roller is a small cylindrical device, which contains a large number of fine needles of different lengths, and the idea is to make tiny incisions in the skin, to send messages to the brain to stimulate the recovery process in this area, so it is very useful in treating white lines, removing scars and traces Old.


Here we have come to the end of the topic in which we talked about the problem of white lines and how to treat it, through an article entitled Mask to remove white lines, make it yourself.