Do eggs cause heart problems or help with weight loss?

Discussions among nutritionists about eggs have been going on for about 40 years. Some have tried to find a way to prepare them in a healthy way that excludes the yolk. The arguments of those who warn against eating too much eggs revolve around two points: They contain a high percentage of fat and cholesterol, and therefore some assumed that removing the yolk could be enough to make it an essential component of the diet. But this controversy led to the spread of a lot of misinformation about eggs and their nutritional value.


Here are the most important misinformation and scientific facts about eggs:


Fat and weight loss. 60 percent of the calories in eggs come from fat, but these fats are designed to help you lose weight. One egg contains 70 to 78 calories, a large amount of protein of 6 grams, and 5.6 grams of fat.


The fat and protein composition found in eggs increases satiety hormones. Eggs also help the body release the hormone glucagon, which releases stored carbohydrates and fats.


Cholesterol. For a long time, nutrition and health care protocols have adopted the principle of reducing cholesterol in the diet with the aim of reducing its levels in the blood and protecting against coronary heart disease. But recent studies have proven that daily consumption of eggs by healthy people does not increase the risk of coronary heart disease, according to an extensive study conducted at Harvard University on 100,000 people.


Another study conducted at the University of Connecticut showed that eating two eggs daily as part of a low-carb diet led to improved levels of good HDL cholesterol in the blood without negative health effects.


The white or the yolk? The egg white contains 3.5 grams of protein, and the rest of the nutrients are found in the yolk, so it is the most important value. An important nutrient found in the yolk is 240 mg of lysine, which is an amino acid responsible for building muscle. There are also 147 mg of choline, which is necessary for the functions of the cell membrane, and is considered a vital substance for the proper development of the child’s brain.


In addition, the yolk contains vitamins A, D, and E. If the source of the eggs is chickens that were fed feed containing Omega-3, there will be 150 mg of these fats in the yolk. Therefore, it must be noted that being careful with the yolk and sticking to the whites deprives the body of components that are very important for health.

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