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Do artificial sweeteners really cause diabetes? - Care Beauty

Do artificial sweeteners really cause diabetes?

Do artificial sweeteners really cause diabetes?


Various media outlets reported on the relationship between artificial sweeteners and diabetes, and that any artificial sweeteners may cause diabetes or may lead to an increase in blood sugar levels. Referring to the origin of the news in scientific journals, especially Nature magazine, which published this study, in order to discover the truth of the matter, we see that the study worked on some laboratory rats, which showed that giving these rats large amounts of artificial sweeteners may affect the bacteria present in the intestines, which may affect the level of… Blood sugar in these animals and the organism’s ability to tolerate sugar consumed in food. This study also included some people, not just experimental animals, and showed that some people were affected by consuming some artificial sweeteners, especially saccharin. So the fear exists and that the effect of these artificial sweeteners on blood sugar is a valid fear, but those responsible for this study explained at the end of their article that these results are still early and cannot be relied upon, and they called on others to conduct similar studies to verify the truth and accuracy of their results. They stated that this study and its results should not be considered an incentive to abstain from consuming these sweeteners or prefer them to the current natural white sugar, especially for diabetics. On this occasion, we recommend that diabetics in particular and all users of artificial sweeteners not to consume excessive amounts of artificial sweeteners and to try to reduce them.