
Coriander oil is a natural alternative to antibiotics

Coriander oil is a natural alternative to antibiotics

Coriander oil is a natural alternative to antibiotics




He said

Portuguese scientists have found that coriander oil is a natural antibiotic It can be used to treat infections and prevent food poisoning. Researchers from

The Interior University of Beira in Portugal is testing coriander oil produced from the seeds of the plant

Coriander, against 12 strains of bacteria, and they noticed that it killed most of them in addition to

Reduced growth of all of them.

The solution contained less than 1.6 percent of…

The oil is effective on bacteria cells including Salmonella and MRSA

And Escherichia coli, according to the authors of the study, which was published in the journal

Medical microbiology.

Fernanda Dominguez, who led the research team, said that coriander oil has also become an alternative to common natural antibiotics.

He added

“We envision using coriander in clinical medicine in the form of creams, lotions

Oral and even pills to combat bacterial infections that are on

Otherwise it cannot be treated. This would significantly improve the quality of life

the people”.

Dominguez said the oil works by damaging the cell membrane

Surrounding bacteria, including basic processes and respiration, resulting in

Ultimately, the bacterial cells die. Coriander is known and used

Widely used in Mediterranean cooking for centuries for its benefits

Health, including relieving pain, alleviating colic, and treating nausea, as well

Helps digestion.

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