Women give special care to increase the beauty of the hair and preserve it from the changes that occur over time, as the hair of the head is considered a crown of beauty, and an address of health, and the beauty of hair affects the rest of the body. One of the important beauty standards …
How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes
Dark circles are one of the most annoying problems for girls and women.. Here are some suggested solutions to get rid of them and reduce their appearance Among the main reasons for the appearance of dark circles, insomnia and lack of sleep hours, smoking and poor nutrition, and in order to get rid of …
How to get rid of large pores in the house?
The appearance of large pores on the face may be annoying, but the problem is much bigger than that. Wide pores on the face lead to the accumulation of dirt and bacteria, which in turn leads to the appearance of pimples, allergies and other skin problems. Therefore, cleaning the pores and keeping their size small …
For everyone who wants to have soft and silky hair
Women resort to solving the problem of roughness of hair in several ways and techniques, such as using special chemical products to soften the hair or using hair-styling devices such as blowdryers and electric hair straighteners, which cause damage and damage to the hair over time. Ingredients: a cup of fenugreek seeds + a cup …
How to use chocolate to get glowing skin
While chocolate tastes delicious, it actually has countless beauty benefits, which means you can use it as a staple in your beauty routine..you know how? Eating chocolate and applying it topically to your skin can significantly improve your complexion. Here are all the benefits it brings to your skin, as well as ways and mixtures …
Erbium laser peeling: all you need to know
Skin care is now one of the most important parts of our daily routine. Cleansers, scrubs, serums, etc. cover our bathroom cabinets but sometimes we don’t see the desired results, so sometimes you need effective treatments. For example, chemical peels are a popular option for superficial skin care concerns such as hyperpigmentation and acne. …
How do you get rid of the black heads ?
Causes of blackheads Blackheads are formed due to the oxidation of the sebum inside the pores by the action of air and turning them black. External factors We still do not know the reasons for the high amount of sebum in the pores, but it is clear that some lifestyles may be the cause …
how do you treat burning scars on the skin
Many women suffer when there are some traces of burns on the skin, and they make more effort to treat and hide them, and resort to using a bleaching cream to treat the remaining effects, and these bleaches may contain chemicals that cause skin irritation, so we offer you some tips on how to treat …
How do you get bronze skin without exposure to the sun?!
Most women go to swimming pools and expose their skin to the scorching sun, which alone contributes, if we exclude, of course, the solarium, to achieving the goal that all women aspire to, which is a dark skin that increases their brilliance and attractiveness. And since most women want to gain bronze skin as quickly …
Beauty tricks using baking soda to take care of your skin
Baking soda, or what is known as sodium bicarbonate, is a white chemical used in many cooking and pastry recipes, as it contributes to raising the cake. It is also a disinfectant. It is used in the manufacture of many personal hygiene and sterilization products to prevent infection and get rid of unpleasant odors. …