When the outbreak of the Corona virus began in the world, news focused on the seriousness of this epidemic to the elderly and those with chronic diseases. However, the emergence of cases of infection and victims among children in a number of countries, raised many questions about the infection of children at very early ages with the Corona virus, and the impact of this epidemic on children. 

Children are infected with the Corona virus, but at a low rate 

Despite the high rates of deaths and injuries due to the Corona virus, children are the least susceptible to infection with the virus compared to different age groups. There are many theories that attempt to explain this phenomenon, but experts in the field of public health are unable, so far, to explain the reason for the low incidence of injuries among children.

The Arab Stem Cell Center published a study on its website, quoting the Bulletin of The Scientist, entitled “Possible biological explanations for why children are not infected with the Covid-19 virus.” The study showed that there is a difference in the protein on the surface of lung cells between children and adults, and that this difference may be the main reason why children are not infected with this disease to a large extent, as the virus uses this protein to enter the lung cell and use it for reproduction.

The study also showed that children do not get sick at a high rate, but they carry the virus naturally, and scientists have found a high concentration of the virus in the anal swabs in children; Which opens the door to speculation that the virus may be transmitted from children to adults in this way.

It’s also possible, experts say, that children’s immune systems are not rising to attack the virus as well as adults’ immune systems. Doctors discovered that some of the severe damage to adults was caused not only by the virus itself, but also by an aggressive immune response that creates devastating inflammation in the body’s organs.

Other theories have linked the lower incidence in children to that the receptors or proteins in human cells that viral particles bind to, called ACE2 receptors, may not be as developed in children as they are in adults or may have a different shape, which could make it more difficult for viruses to enter. To cells, their attachment and reproduction in children. 

Although previous studies confirmed that children are the least age group susceptible to infection with the emerging corona virus, a new study found that children are highly vulnerable to infection with the virus with associated serious symptoms. The study, published in the journal Pediatrics, was conducted on more than 2,000 sick children under the age of 18 across China where the epidemic began, and provides a clearer picture of how the youngest patients are affected by the virus.

About half of children who test positive for the virus have mild symptoms, such as fever, fatigue, cough, congestion, and possibly nausea or diarrhea. The study also found that more than a third experienced additional symptoms including pneumonia or lung problems detected by a CT scan, but with no apparent shortness of breath.

It also turns out that although the majority of young people and children will have symptoms that are slightly worse than those of the flu, they can be invisible carriers of the new Corona virus, and therefore they play a major role in its spread.

Symptoms of corona virus in children 

According to the World Health Organization, children are as susceptible to infection with the emerging coronavirus as all people. The symptoms of a child infection with the Corona virus are similar to the same symptoms that adults are exposed to, including:

An increase in body temperature, which becomes more than 38 and a half degrees Celsius.

Runny nose.

Dry cough.

Nausea sometimes.

Sometimes diarrhea. 

What are the best ways to protect your child from infection with the Corona virus?

Staying at home is one of the most important tips to protect your family, especially children, from infection with the Corona virus, in addition to strengthening your child’s immune system by eating foods rich in vitamin C, A and zinc as well.

Also, to prevent corona virus, the United Nations Children’s Fund has issued a set of instructions and measures that must be taken to prevent infection with the emerging corona virus, especially for children and mothers.

As we mentioned above, the organization indicated in a report published on its official website that it is possible for people of all ages to be infected with the virus, but so far there are relatively few cases of infection disease among children. The organization recommended that children be accompanied to obtain the necessary health care if parents suspect the emergence of symptoms of the virus, in addition to continuing to adhere to good practices for hand and respiratory hygiene, such as frequent hand washing, and for the child to receive the latest vaccinations to protect him from other types of viruses and bacteria that cause diseases.