Body bleaching method


Body whitening method

Chemical peels purchased from the market can be used for bleaching, and the method of use is as follows:

Wash the area you intend to cleave with cold water to remove the dirt on its surface and make sure that the pores are not opened, because the ready-made cleft is chemicals that may cause irritation if they get into the skin.

Experiment with blond on a small area of the hand to make sure your body doesn’t feel it.

Mix the blond ingredients according to the instructions and leave them on the skin according to the recommended duration, and beware of increasing the duration as it may cause significant damage to the skin.

After the blond dries and the recommended period expires, wash it with cold water well and gently because the skin layer is weak, then use the towel to dry the area well and do not expose any heat sources, then grease the skin with a cream free of aromatic substances to moisturize the skin after the blond.


Natural mixtures for bleaching

Use tomatoes by massaging the area to be cleaved with a piece of tomato, repeating the process until the desired result is obtained.

Mix a little milk with papaya puree to get a paste and grease it on the area to be cleaved in a circular motion to help the cells absorb, leave it to dry and then wash it thoroughly, and repeat the process.

Mix lemon juice with a little honey, massage the area to be cracked, leave to dry and then wash.

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