Beware of taking too many antibiotics. It threatens the kidneys

Doctors prescribe antibiotics to treat bacterial infections. Most side effects associated with antibiotics are mild. However, some other types can cause severe side effects. But a recent study showed that children and adults taking five types of commonly used antibiotics make them more likely to develop kidney stones than people who do not use these drugs.


The researchers examined the electronic medical records, from 1994 to 2015, of about 25,981 people who had developed kidney stones. The study, published by healthline, showed that taking any of the five antibiotics, namely: sulfa, cephalosporin, fluoroquinolin, nitrofuranton / methenamine and penicillin, for a period of 3 to 12 months, was associated with an increased risk of kidney stones.


The increased risk associated with these drugs ranged from 27% with penicillin to more than double that with sulfa. “Without a doubt, antibiotics have saved millions of lives and are needed to prevent death or serious harm from infection…the benefits outweigh the potential harms,” ​​said Dr. Gregory Tsian, of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and lead author of the study.


He added: “These findings do not indicate that antibiotics are not prescribed when they are needed, but they do support appropriate use of antibiotics and a reduction in their use in viral diseases.”





The antibiotic affects several systems of the body, the most prominent side effects affecting the digestive system are the following: vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, bloating, indigestion, loss of appetite, stomach cramps, and abdominal pain.


Among the most important tips when using an antibiotic:


It is recommended to read the instructions attached with the medicine, to avoid the risk of developing any side effects.


The doctor must be informed of the medicines being taken, to avoid prescribing any antibiotic that may interact with the medicines.


Avoid prolonged exposure to light, and use sunscreen when going out, especially when taking antibiotics that cause photosensitivity.


It is advised to stay away from taking any old antibiotic, and to use the antibiotic only when necessary for a bacterial infection.


The antibiotic must be taken as directed by the doctor, and care must be taken to complete the entire treatment to prevent the return of bacteria.


It is preferable to follow the instructions on how to take the medicine in order for it to be effective, as some of them are taken on an empty stomach, and others are taken an hour before a meal, or two hours after a meal.


Avoid excessive consumption of antibiotics, as bacteria become resistant, meaning they become less effective against bacteria that cause infections and infections.


It is advised to be careful when taking the antibiotic, especially for people who suffer from impaired liver or kidney function, as it may lead to more complications.

A pregnant woman should consult a doctor before taking any antibiotic, to avoid serious complications that may affect the mother and fetus.

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