Benefits of pomegranate oil for the skin  

Benefits of pomegranate oil for the skin






Pomegranate has been known since antiquity, and it is believed that Iran is the original home of this fruit, and it is sometimes called the multi-seeded apple.



Pomegranate contains large amounts of vitamins and antioxidants, and contains three times what green tea contains of the three types of polyphenols: tannins, athocyanins, and ellagic acid. And blood circulation, and controls the concentration of harmful cholesterol, and keeps the arteries open, and thus reduces the chance of getting clogged arteries, heart stroke, and stroke, and prevents cancer, and the benefits of pomegranate can be obtained through the use of these cosmetic oil .



Benefits of pomegranate oil for the skin


Skin cell renewal: It protects the outer layer of the skin, and renews the skin cells in this layer and the inner layer of the skin, which activates blood circulation, and increases the speed of skin healing from wounds, through tissue repair.


Skin protection from the sun: Pomegranate contains compounds that protect from the sun, and protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals, thus preventing the occurrence of skin cancer, and relieving the effect of sunburn caused by sunlight, and the ability of pomegranate to contain cancer comes to protect the skin from Ellagic is a lion, it has been found to inhibit the growth of skin tumors.


Anti-aging: Pomegranate protects against the appearance of early signs of aging such as wrinkles and fine lines as a result of exposure to factors such as sunlight and others. It also prevents hyperpigmentation of the skin and the appearance of age spots.


Increase skin youth: Pomegranate gives the skin a smooth texture and a tight appearance, by stimulating the production of collagen and elastin from skin cells.


For dry skin: Pomegranate is considered one of the wonderful ingredients for skin care products, because it has a small molecular structure, which allows it to penetrate deep into the skin, and it is suitable to be used for almost any type of skin depending on the ingredients it is mixed with, it is very beneficial for dry skin because of these It treats cracked and irritated skin, and contains many substances that moisturize the skin and prevent moisture loss from it.


For oily and mixed skin: it treats acne, skin cracks, scars, minor irritations, and other problems faced by this type of skin.

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