Benefits of lentils for hair and ways to use it to get long and healthy hair

Lentils are one of the natural ingredients that are available in the kitchen of most women, as they are a legume that has a high nutritional value. It also has aesthetic benefits in addition to health benefits. From here, in this article, we will introduce you to more about the benefits of lentils for hair, as well as ways to prepare mixtures of lentils to intensify and lengthen hair.


What are the benefits of lentils for hair?Lentils are a good source of many vitamins and minerals necessary for hair health and vitality, such as zinc, iron, protein and folic acid.It is based on promoting hair growth because it is filled with useful proteins to prolong hair and enhance its strength.It improves hair health and strengthens the scalp follicles, because it contains folic acid in a high percentage.It helps to improve hair growth and renew its cells, in addition to containing the iron necessary to nourish and strengthen the hair follicles in the scalp, thus promoting healthy hair.It contains vitamin E, the antioxidant, which protects against scalp problems, and vitamin A, which is anti-dermatological, which leads to large amounts of hair loss.What are the ways to use lentils for hair?1- Mask of lentils and almond oil for hair growth




A tablespoon of honey.A tablespoon of milk.8 drops of almond oil. A small cup of lentils.


How to prepare

Soak  two tablespoons of red lentils in a bowl of water overnight.The next day, mix all the ingredients in order to get a paste.Apply the mask to the hair and leave it for 30 minutes.Wash hair well with water and shampoo.2- Lentil and honey mask for hair loss treatment




Two tablespoons of lentils.Two tablespoons of honey.Orange juice.


How to prepare:


Boil two tablespoons of lentils and grind it to become like a cream.Add two tablespoons of natural honey and a sprinkle of orange juice to the boiled lentils.Mix the mixture until the mixture is smooth. Apply the mixture to the hair for 1/2 hour.Wash hair well with water and shampoo.3- A mask of lentils and mustard oil for hair growth




A cup of red lentils.1/2 cup of lemon peel.1 tablespoon and 1/2 of mustard oil.


How to prepare:


Soak lentils in water for 45 minutes. Air dry the berries and grind them.Mix the ingredients together in the blender.Apply the mixture to the hair for 1/2 hour.Wash hair well with water and shampoo.What are the general benefits of lentils?Lentils are rich in vitamin E, one of the most powerful antioxidant vitamins, which in turn fights free radicals that cause cancer of all kinds.It contains a high percentage of fiber, which makes it useful for getting rid of excess weight, as it improves digestion, helps to get rid of toxins accumulated in the body, and contains a low percentage of fat.Stimulates blood circulation, thus preventing fatigue and exhaustion. It contains a high percentage of iron, which prevents anemia by raising the level of hemoglobin in the blood

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