Benefits of green tea: the healthy infusion


Green tea is synonymous with good health. Thanks to its multiple properties, it can help prevent diseases and infections and is a great ally to combat stress and aging. We tell you about the benefits of green tea in all its presentations and we share some simple recipes for you to add to your day to day.

Green tea benefits

Many wonder what green tea is and how it is different from other varieties. For starters, green tea comes from a plant called Camellia Sinensis. Its cultivation began many years ago in the south of China and, from there, it began its expansion throughout the world for its multiple benefits.

The making of the tea begins with the drying of the Camellia leaf. Once all moisture is lost, heat is applied to stop oxidation. It is thanks to this process that its benefits expand and the benefits for human health expand, something that various scientific studies have confirmed in recent years.

Green tea: properties

Green tea is rich in Polyphenols and Antioxidants. These substances help fight skin aging and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. In addition, as it contains theine, it is a great ally to stay awake and reduce fatigue.

So that you know the most important things about green tea, properties and benefits , we put together this list with the 7 most outstanding qualities:

1. Helps maintain heart health

One of its main virtues is that it contributes to cardiovascular health. Consuming green tea on a regular basis, coupled with a balanced diet and moderate exercise, helps to take care of the heart.

It is because this type of tea contains a high amount of antioxidants that help regulate “bad” cholesterol (LDL) in the blood, preventing it from settling in the blood vessels. In addition, it prevents the formation of clots, helping better circulation and reducing the risk of suffering a heart condition.

2. Supports digestion.

The essential oils that make up green tea generate an increase in the flow of gastric juices. Thanks to this, digestion is facilitated and gases and the feeling of bloating are reduced.

A cup of green tea at the end of meals is a good way to take care of your digestive system.

3. Prevents cavities.

Green tea has Catechins. These natural antioxidants help prevent cell damage, maintain good oral health, reduce bad breath, and inhibit the growth of bacteria that can cause cavities.

4. Protect your liver.

The accumulation of liver fat is a risk that green tea can help combat. Its antioxidant power helps to prevent the synthesis of fat in the liver and helps improve liver function.

In addition, it is a good ally to achieve the transformation into energy of the nutrients that are incorporated with food

5. Helps you improve skin.

Having healthy and radiant skin is possible. The use of soaps, creams and shampoo with green tea extract can help you reduce and prevent the effects of UV rays. In addition, it will serve for the following aspects:

Increase hydration and decrease the roughness of the skin.

Heal burns and wounds.

Reduce skin redness in the presence of psoriasis.

Reduce dandruff .

Reduce the effect of acne- causing bacteria .

6. Improve memory.

Numerous studies have shown that green tea can help improve cognitive ability, especially for short-term memory. Why? The action of the polyphenols present in the infusion enables a better connection between the frontal and parietal lobes of the brain.

On the other hand, the bioactive compounds in tea make it very beneficial to prevent the risk of neurodegenerative diseases.

Some studies report that consuming the infusion or green tea capsules can facilitate learning and improve concentration.

7. Manage stress and anxiety.

Green tea has an amino acid called L-theanine that acts on the central nervous system. Its main benefit is to provide a relaxing effect and is used to treat anxiety and improve relationships with the external environment.

What is Matcha

When we talk about green tea and its benefits, we cannot fail to mention Matcha . Unlike other types of tea, its leaves are ground in such a way that they become a fine powder that must be dissolved in a liquid medium in order to consume it.

But what is the benefit of ingesting matcha? Properties similar to those of green tea due to its large amount of antioxidants. The big difference between the two is that, due to its fluorescent green color and its powdery texture, matcha has been able to be incorporated into countless preparations in the gastronomic world with great success. It can be incorporated into smoothies and frappés, juices, cakes and cookies. 

Drinks with green tea and matcha

Green tea is very versatile. Thanks to its mild flavor, it can be included in various drinks. For example, you can prepare a relaxing infusion for after dinner or, perhaps, a refreshing drink with matcha for a hot afternoon.

We present you 4 options so that you know how to drink green tea and find which is your favorite option:

1. Green tea with ginger and lemon.

Place a teaspoon of green tea strands, a lemon wedge, and a ginger wedge in a mug. Bathe all the contents with hot water at 80 ° and let it rest for 2 minutes.

Pass the contents through a strainer and add a tablespoon of honey. Stir and enjoy. Ideal for a moment of relaxation before sleeping.

2. Green tea and apple smoothie.

In the blender jar, mix:

1 cup of cold green tea.

½ apple.

2 tablespoons of plain yogurt.

Ice cubes.

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