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Benefits of ceramides for hair and ways to use them - Care Beauty

Benefits of ceramides for hair and ways to use them

Ceramides have gained wide fame in the cosmetic world; Because of its aesthetic benefits to the skin and hair. It has been included in many hair care products such as shampoo and conditioner, in order to promote the health of the skin, especially the scalp. For more about the benefits of ceramides for hair and ways to use them, follow the following lines with carebeautyco.com:

Benefits of ceramides for hair and ways to use them

Ceramides are an effective hair conditioner


Ceramides are a class of fatty acids called lipids. They are found naturally in skin cells and make up about 50 percent of the outer layer of the skin. Plant-derived ceramides are called phytoceramides and can be found in many healthy foods, including brown rice, wheat germ, beets and spinach. When the skin lacks ceramides, it can lead to dryness and irritation. Ceramide deficiency also increases symptoms of dry skin, such as eczema, and can make signs of aging more likely. Ceramides are an effective emollient to moisturize both the skin and even the hair. Therefore, if your hair is extremely dry or damaged, ceramides for hair may help restore its overall appearance. This is in addition to the many benefits that ceramides provide for hair, the most important of which are:

Moisturizing hair

The cuticle protects the hair strand and when the layers are raised, the hair becomes dry, brittle and even dull. Ceramides bind the layers together, making them flat. Thus, protecting it from breakage. In addition, ceramides attract water and retain moisture in hair and skin. Follow more: How to use hair filler ampoules

Boost hair strength

Ceramides contain healing properties that help boost hair strength

Ceramides are the best weapon to strengthen hair and protect it from external influences that damage hair. It also stimulates blood circulation, thus enhancing the strength and luster of the hair, as ceramides repair damaged hair by closing cracks and re-isolating the hair fibers, then the hair restores its strength and luster.



Ceramides and how to use them in your hair care routine

Ceramides are available in many hair care products, in varying proportions to suit the type of hair. It is also available in the form of capsules that you can use in your hair care routine by applying it once a week after washing your hair to get the desired result.