Aloe Vera Natural Soap for fresh skin

Aloe vera plant has many aesthetic properties to treat skin problems and renewal. Aloe vera gel is extracted from the leaves of the aloe vera plant

Manufacturing many cosmetics, skin and hair care products. where

It easily penetrates into the layers of the skin to help get rid of excess oils




And bacteria that clog the pores of the skin and lead to the emergence of acne

In addition, Aloe Vera gel contains natural enzymes that help stimulate

New cell production to plump the complexion and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

Here’s how to prepare natural aloe vera soap for fresh and attractive skin

Aloe Vera soap with natural properties that are beneficial to the skin apart from the ingredients

Harsh chemicals, it also helps treat acne and remove dark spots.


Ingredients needed:


– A grated bar of baby soap.


A glass of pure water.


– A teaspoon of pure olive oil.


– A teaspoon of coconut oil.





– A teaspoon of bitter almond oil.


Half a cup of natural aloe vera gel.


Preparation steps:


1- Put the water with the aloe vera gel extracted from the leaves of the aloe vera plant, and stir until completely homogeneous.


2- In a small pot, add the mixture with the grated soap on a low heat, stirring constantly, until it is completely dissolved.


3- After that, natural oils are added, the mixture is stirred well, and left until it cools completely.


4- At the end, the mixture is poured into molds and left until it solidifies completely.


Benefits of Aloe Vera Natural Soap:


It contains natural minerals such as zinc, which is useful for strengthening the skin and hair.


It contains antioxidants such as vitamin A, C, and vitamin E, which helps treat skin problems and renew its cells.


It contains anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory histamine.


It contains natural antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, which helps treat skin infections.


Instead of using commercial skin cleansers, prepare natural aloe vera soap to refresh and rejuvenate your skin.

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