Allowed and prohibited foods for patients with pancreatitis

A list of foods allowed for patients with pancreatitis, including:




– Popcorn.


Legumes like beans and lentils.


Dairy products without fat.


– eggs.


– fish.


– Natural juices.


– Calinson herbs.


Low-fat meat.


Skinless chicken.


Whole grain bread.




As for the list of foods prohibited for patients with pancreatitis, they are:




– All kinds of baked goods.


Fried fish and shellfish.


– Butter, oil and margarine.


– Fast food.


– Ice cream.


Fat rich meat.


– Jam.


– Mutton.


Nuts and seeds.


Processed meat.


– Soft drinks.


Full-fat dairy products.


Cream cheese.


Nut butter.




The report advised patients with pancreatitis of the need to set a specific time for eating the diet, and it depends on following a specific diet and consists of small, light and low-fat meals.




And that patients with pancreatitis should eat 5 light meals instead of eating large meals.


The report added that following these tips for patients with pancreatitis helps greatly in reducing the pain resulting from pancreatitis, and these tips improve and reduce pain, problems and complications of pancreatitis.

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