All About Clay


All About Clay



Clay, which contains very rich minerals, is a soil type. They have witnessed that since ancient times, natural minerals such as iron, magnesium, calcium, zinc, aluminum, silicon in the clay, which women discovered to become beautiful, provide many positive effects on the skin. It has eliminated many skin problems due to the rich mineral cover in the clay content.


White Clay Mask

Gray Clay Mask

Red Clay Mask

Blue Clay Mask

Pink Clay Mask

Yellow Clay Mask

Green Clay Mask

The reasons that give the color of the clay is the density of a single mineral in the regions where it is found.

White Clay Mask; It is a type of clay that will especially be preferred by those with acne problems. It is also suitable for blemished skin that has lost its vitality. However, it may cause side effects for those with dry and sensitive skin. It has many benefits on the skin:

It prevents the formation of acne and blackheads.

It increases blood circulation on the skin and provides a bright and vivid skin.

It removes the roughness on the skin.

It tightens the skin.

It cleans the toxins in the skin.

It balances the oil ratio on the skin.

It is also effective on thin and weak hair. If there is dandruff problem and psoriasis in the hair, it helps to eliminate these problems.

NOTE: While applying the white clay mask;

Make sure that it does not reach around the eyes and lips.

It should not be talked about while the mask is on your skin.

Gray (Bentonite) Clay mask; It is a type of clay that creates a detox effect especially in eliminating the problems caused by environmental factors on the skin. It has many benefits on the skin:

It allows the skin to get oxygen.

It plays a role in removing bacteria and dirt on the skin.

It nourishes the skin and makes it vibrant and bright.

It has a balancing effect on the skin.

It is an ideal clay type for those who want to clean their skin.

Red Clay Mask; It is a clay type that we can recommend especially for very dry skin prone to eczema. It has an instant effect when used by people with skin scales and skin rashes. It has many benefits on the skin:

Balances dry areas on the skin in a balanced way.

It prevents itching caused by dryness of the skin.

For those with sensitive scalp, it improves blood circulation and eliminates dandruff problem.


Red clay mask should be done once a month.

Blue Clay Mask; It is a type of clay especially preferred by those who have color imbalance problems in their skin. It has many benefits on the skin:

It eliminates the sun spots on the skin.

It also helps hair grow in the best possible way. It provides the elimination of problems such as hair loss and dandruff.

Pink Clay Mask; It is a type of clay preferred by those who have rash problem especially on sensitive skin. It has many benefits on the skin:

It helps to reduce skin rashes.

It makes the skin lively and bright.

It has rejuvenation properties on the skin.

It prevents rapid skin irritation in those with sensitive skin.

Provides moisturizing of the skin.

It is also used to reduce dryness and remove toxins in thin and brittle hair.


If the pink clay mask is applied once in 2 weeks, the skin will be smooth and lively.

Yellow Clay Mask; It is a type of clay that offers a solution especially for those who have roughness problems on their skin. It has many benefits on the skin:

This clay, which has a very fast effect, minimizes oil accumulation in the pores and tightens the skin.

It provides the emergence of a new and vibrant skin structure by repairing the problems in the lower layers of the skin.

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