A natural mixture to reduce body hair growth

Hair removal

Thick body hair is a problem that many women suffer from and they resort to different ways to remove body hair, so that in some cases the owner of this problem is forced to repeat hair removal day after day, if she does not resort to permanent laser hair removal.

Hair removal
Thick body hair is a problem that many women suffer from and they resort to different ways to remove body hair

Today we present to you a natural way to reduce hair growth and moisturize the body, get to know it with us according to your beauty site.

Starch and rose water recipe
Ingredients: a
spoonful of starch.
A spoonful of rose water.
a spoonful of lemon;

Method of preparation:
– Mix the ingredients to get a cohesive dough, then apply this dough to the areas of hair appearance.
Leave the paste to dry, then rub it gently, before washing it. Repeat this method twice a week to get satisfactory results.

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